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warning : sexual content

➜ "suna! we can't- not here at least." you whisper shouted as suna's fingers rubbed against your clit.

you felt horrible for doing this to kenma but you just couldn't resist suna at this current moment in time, you would have a serious conversation with him about all this afterwards but for now you would make the most of your time left.

suna pulled his fingers out and rubbed them together, from there he held them in front of you and let out a light chuckle before speaking again. "you're wet, (y/n)."

your cheeks grew warm. "i know.. but we'll get caught and-"

"then just be quiet, i wanna make you feel good- will you let me do that for you?" he asked.

you were hesitant for a moment, playing out all the possible scenarios of you both being caught in your head before coming to the conclusion that you didn't care anymore. "okay." you sighed. "but just don't do anything stupid."

suna nodded before smirking. "you know i've got you baby." he said before throwing you onto the bed, he then took off his shirt and spread your legs as he dragged you towards him.

your skirt already gave him easier access and before you knew it your panties were in his hand and skirt was bunched up whilst his head sat between your thighs, licking and sucking on your clit. it felt different this time, suna was eating you out as if he had been starving for years.

your hands ran through his hair, pulling and tugging on his locs to intensify the pleasure. your hips bucked into his mouth so you could grind against his tongue, just the thought of being caught like this turned you on.

your moans were low but still audible. suna pulled away and placed a thumb on your clit, he spat on it before proceeding to rub it back and forth. your breathing was heavier than usual and nothing could prepare you for what he was about to ask next.

"did kenma make you squirt?"

your eyes widened. "rin what the? why does it matt-"

"just answer me, yes or no?" suna persisted.

"no.. he didn't." you panted.

"ok good, that's all i needed to know."

"why're you asking?"

"because." suna made eye contact with you. "i wanna be the only person who can make you feel that way."

"oh really?" you rolled your eyes. "bet you make clarisse squirt too then huh?"

"of course i didn't." suna scoffed. "her pussy didn't hit the same way yours does."

"you still fucked her though." you retorted.

"yeah? and you fucked kenma."

"he's my boyfriend, of course i would."

"and you're about to fuck me without your boyfriends knowledge." suna pouted. "tragic."

"just shut the fuck up and put your dick inside o- ah!" you gasped at the sudden stretch.

"you were saying?" suna smirked.

you couldn't even answer back because of how deep his strokes were, suna pushed your legs back so they practically rested on your shoulders as he continued to fuck you. you'd be lying if you said you didn't miss the feeling of having him inside you like this.

"oh shit!" your whimpered, causing suna to clasp his hand over your mouth.

"i know it feels good baby but just try to stay quiet for me, hm?"

you nodded as suna continued to romanticise your body to the best of his ability. it wasn't long before his thumb found itself on your clit, suna began to rapidly rub it back and forth. you already knew your orgasm would be life changing whenever he did that.

"s-stop, you'll make me cum faster." you whispered.

"that's my plan, pretty girl." he replied before reaching over to pull your tube top down and grope your breasts.

shortly after, your walls started to tighten and suna's thrusts began to get sloppier. you threw your head back and before you knew it the coil in your stomach snapped, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and mouth fell agape as your orgasm took over you. clear liquid came gushing from your cunt as suna kept thrusting to overstimulate you.

"r-rin! it's too much.." you gasped, gripping his forearm.

suna pulled out and rolled you around so your ass was now facing him, you were still sensitive so you couldn't help but yelp the moment he slid himself in again. he landed a harsh slap on your ass before speaking up once more.

"that was hot, do it again baby." he demanded.

your face buried itself into the pillows to help minimise your moans and walls were still clenching from how hard suna had made you cum, it didn't help that the bed wasn't the newest meaning that anyone walking by in the halls could hear the creaking sounds it made.

suna's speed only increased the louder your moans got, he enjoyed hearing you scream in pleasure knowing that he was the cause of it. he groped your ass and squeezed it in his large hand before landing another harsh slap on it.

"who's pussy is this?" he asked.

"mmph! y-yours.. it's yours rin!" you babbled out, eyes rolling back.

"good girl, now cum for me- let me feel you clenchin' round this dick again."

he was fucking you completely stupid and you'd be lying if you said you didn't miss this, his words was all it took to trigger your release and before you knew it you squirted around him a second time. suna didn't hold back this time either, emptying every single drop of his load into your tight little cunt.

"god fucking damn." you breathed out, finally coming back to your senses again.

suna pulled out and thrusted a finger into your cunt, pushing back in all the excess cum so it didn't leak out.

"there we go." he leered.

"thank goodness i'm on birth control." you sat up and looked at him.

"you are?"

"mhm, kenma put me on it."

"he came inside you?" suna gawked.

"yeah, well what did you expect? he is my boyfriend after all."

"not anymore." suna said before climbing onto you and showering your face and neck with kisses. you laughed at the ticklish feeling and attempted to push his head away.

"i guess you're right, i should really end things with him tonight."

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