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➜ "hey (y/n)." akaashi said as he approached you from his car in the distance, he was too far at the moment to tell that your eyes were swollen but you hoped that your makeup was done well enough for him not to notice.

"hi keiji." you smiled faintly at him.

akaashi raised his brows slightly, not knowing that you were already on a first name basis. he instantly knew that something had gone on between you and suna.

by the time he came over the sun had already started to set so you hoped that the darkness would conceal your face a bit considering you were stood on the front porch right now.

"you okay? you look a little rough today." he finally paused, looking down at you.

"i just don't feel like myself." you mumbled, your voice cracking a little.

you didn't know why but whenever someone asked if something was wrong or if you were okay you immediately felt vulnerable. it was taking everything in you to not break down in front of him right now.

akaashi hummed but it was obvious to him that you weren't okay, and so the moment he tilted your chin and held eye contact you knew there was no going back. one tear was all it took for the water works to start.

he didn't say anything else after that, instead all he did was pull you in for a hug. those next few minutes consisted of you crying into his shoulder as he rubbed your back, whispering to you that everything would be okay.

akaashi didn't know what suna had done exactly but one thing he knew for sure was that the next time he saw him, he would make sure that suna would regret ever hurting you in the first place.

"and that's how i found out he was cheating on me." you finished.

you ended up taking him into the house and into your room, your parents were fine with it since they knew akaashi was just a childhood friend. you were currently sat on the edge of the bed whilst he was sat on a chair facing you, legs spread.

"that fucking son of a bitch." akaashi gritted his teeth.

it pissed him off particularly because suna hadn't realised how much of a good person you were. he would kill to be in suna's position right now and it was such a shame because suna only seemed to be taking advantage of your kindness.

"i just don't know how to feel about him anymore." you murmured.

"you're an incredible person, i hope you know that (y/n)." akaashi spoke.

"you think?" you looked at him, blinking through blurred eyes.

"yeah, you're one of the most genuine people i know and i hope a dick like suna doesn't change that."

"thanks keiji." you grinned.

"that's the smile i was looking for, a pretty girl like you should never waste your tears on a man like him." he added.

you gradually felt your cheeks grow warm, to be honest after this talk with akaashi you felt a bit better but a part of you couldn't help but wonder what suna was thinking as he cheated.

"i was thinking of calling him to at least hear his explanation to everything though." you spoke up.

akaashi's brows furrowed. "isn't this the second time he's done something like this to you?" he scoffed. "suna definitely knew what he was doing this time round."

you thought to yourself for a moment. "yeah, i suppose you're right.. nothing can compare to the pain he put me through the first time." you sighed and laid back on your bed before yawning.

"it's been such a long day."

"tell me about it." akaashi chuckled to himself. "the restaurant today was the busiest its been in weeks."

"shit." you quickly sat up. "i forgot to call in."

"nah you're good, i covered for you and just told boss you'd caught a cold."

"oh thank goodness, thanks again."

"you're welcome."

and so for the next couple of hours that night you and akaashi spent time laughing and bonding with one another. he had even made it to your bed and the two of you were now sat next to each other, your head slightly resting on his shoulder.

"so akaashi, what do you look for in a girlfriend?" you broke the silence, instantly catching him off guard.

akaashi thought about your question for a few seconds, he honestly wished he could just describe you right now but knew it was too early to make any sudden moves.

he would have to keep it general for the time being.

"i like someone who'll listen to me, you know? i think communication is the most important thing in a relationship." he finished.

how ironic.

"yeah, definitely." you paused. "it's always good to have someone that listens to you."

"mhm, obedient girls are the best." he joked.

"gosh akaashi." you laughed. "guess you wouldn't be too into me then huh?"

nothing could prepare you for his response next.

"wanna find out?" he asked.

you paused and looked up at him, thinking it was all just a joke. surely he couldn't be serious right now.

so the moment you scoffed and said. "bet." you hadn't expected his lips to press onto yours.

akaashi knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and wouldn't let it slip away so easily.

and for whatever reason, you chose not to resist.

your cheeks immediately grew warm once he pulled away as you stared into each others eyes, akaashi laughed at your expression and playfully patted your head.

"told ya."

"what the fuck." you mumbled to yourself in surprise. "i can't believe you just kissed me."

"well then you're gonna have to." akaashi smirked, reaching for his phone which was now ringing. "cause it just happened."

akaashi took a step outside your room to talk for a minute or two whilst you sat in disbelief before popping back in. he told you he had to leave and would text you the moment he got home, talk about good timing.

"don't miss me too much (y/n)." akaashi playfully blew you a kiss from his car window.

"in your dreams." you rolled your eyes. however, deep down you knew you would.

"drive safely, good night keiji." you waved as he pulled out of the parking spot.

"night pretty."

you waited for him to disappear into the distance completely and stood there, still processing what had happened tonight.

"why do i feel like this?" you mumbled to yourself.

this is the most i've updated in the past 3 months, #backonmygrind🦾

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