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➜ minus the inconvenience this morning, your school day had been going great so far and for once you were in a good mood. to make things better it was a wednesday which meant that your class would be going to the pool for swimming practice after lunch.

"and then he asked me to be his girlfriend." nanako said.

"and you said yes?" you asked.

"of course i did." she smiled.

"about fucking time!" you yelled, everyone turned to stare at you which made nanako laugh. you hadn't realised how loud your voice was just now.

"jheeze (y/n).. we're still in school you know?" she chuckled.

"i know, i'm just so happy that the two of you found love in each other."

as much as you were glad for atsumu and nanako's relationship you couldn't help but think about yours and suna's, the two of you weren't together but you often wished that things flew as smoothly between you and him as they did for your bestfriend and her boyfriend.

suna and the twins had chosen to eat out for lunch leaving you and nanako alone in school, you were currently headed to the cafeteria to grab a bite since you hadn't eaten all day.

"i'm so fucking hungry i could eat a horse." nanako groaned.

"me too, let's get in li-"

the moment you walked through the doors you came across miyu and rinko, they stopped in their tracks to stare you and nanako down too. it came as no surprise seeing clarisse stood with them also, baguette girl sure had grown a lot of confidence within the past week.

"oh- (y/n).. nanako, welcome back." rinko broke the silence, smiling at you both.

"i should be saying the same to you." you smiled back. "enjoy your little break?"

"mhm.. what about you guys? i'm guessing house arrest was fun." she joked.

clarisse and miyu laughed at her joke whilst you and nanako just stood there with straight faces, struggling to understand what was so funny about the words that had just left her mouth.

"and i'm guessing you've had too much hospital food, maybe try not to get fucked up next time." you pouted.

rinko clenched her fist and was about to snap but clarisse grabbed her just in time, preventing her from doing so. you couldn't help but scoff at her reaction, was it really that easy to piss her off?

"whatever." she mumbled beneath her breath before walking away with miyu and clarisse quickly tagging along by her side.

"they're so pathetic." nanako spoke up.

"literally, it's always them starting shit."

the two of you disregarded the whole incident and proceeded to get in line to get some food, nanako waited whilst you got your lunch tray after her. it wasn't until you were halfway to your table however that you realised you hadn't grabbed a fork.

"shit- i'll be right back." you quickly said before turning to leave, tray still in hand.

you successfully grabbed the fork but the moment you turned however, things went left. you ended up tripping over causing your tray of food to drop in the process, the whole cafeteria went silent as you looked down at your stained uniform.

"whoops!" rinko gasped. "better be careful next time."  she smirked before walking away.

you immediately stood to your feet to rub the excess food off your shirt before chasing after her. everyone in the cafeteria went crazy and just when you were about to reach rinko you were grabbed by someone, immediately stopping you.

"let go of me!" you yelled, not caring for who was holding you back.

"hey, relax." they told you.

this was beyond embarrassing, once again you hadn't done anything wrong and this girl had provoked you. eventually you broke from the persons grip and charged at rinko, sending her flying to the ground.

just as you were about to swing however you were immediately grabbed by the arm and dragged away. "i said relax." now that you had calmed down, it didn't take long for you to realise that it was suna.

"what do you mean relax?" you broke from his grip. "didn't you see what she just did to me?"

"yes i did bu-"

"but what? don't tell me you're siding with her too, i can't believe-"

"but i'm not about to have you get excluded for her shit once again so i suggest you calm your ass down before you make things worse." he interrupted.

suna's words immediately silenced you. now that you thought of it, it made sense why suna did what he did. it was simply just to keep you out of trouble and that's all there was to it.

"yeah you're right." you sighed. "i'm sorry and thanks, shit would've gotten real nasty if you weren't there just now."

"you're welcome, for once i'm glad the jelly fruit sticks store was closed." suna replied.

"you seriously still like those?" you chuckled. "you're such a kid rin."

"i'm the kid?" he scoffed. "you still wear hello kitty panties (y/n)."

your eyes widened as you stood to your feet, walking away from him in the process. "yeah, and what about it? that has nothing to do with you."

"exactly, so next time mind your business." he said.

"shut the fuck up."

"make me." suna smirked, looking down at you.

you paused and looked up at him, the two of you held eye contact and the moment you were about to speak the cafeteria doors burst open once again revealing nanako with a frantic look on her face.

"fuck (y/n)- are you okay!?" she quickly asked.

"yeah don't worry i'm fine, just a little annoyed is all." you replied.

"that bitch." nanako gritted her teeth. "she even had the audacity to act like she didn't trip you, how dare she."

"i'll get her back sometime but just not now, i'm not in the mood plus my uniform is ruined." you mumbled.

"i've got some spare clothes in my gym bag, you can change into them after swimming class."

"alright, thank you so much."

"i've always got your back (y/n)." she smiled.

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