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akaashi's pov

warning : sexual content

➜ you smiled in satisfaction after sending suna a video of (y/n) giving you head from beneath the covers. the video didn't show her face directly but the lewd sounds and distinctive bed covers was more than enough for suna to tell that it was her.

this was the best head you'd received in so long and it honestly pissed you off knowing that this was the type of treatment (y/n) gave suna all the time, she was such a slut when she got horny and you loved it.

(y/n) eventually came up from beneath the covers to get some air and you hid your phone beneath the pillow, her mascara was slightly smudged and she looked so fucked out despite you haven barely even done anything yet.

"fuck, it was hot down there." she chuckled, before wiping the corner of her mouth.

she had swallowed you whole and you'd be lying if you said you didn't wanna fuck her stupid right now.

"mhm, you did a good job princess."

she looked at you through doe eyes and smiled. "you think?"

"yeah. now come here." you swiftly pulled her onto your lap, she gasped at the sudden position switch but fell into your grasp properly the moment you kissed her.

you both pulled away and stared into one another's eyes for a brief moment before (y/n) gently pushed you down onto the bed so she was now straddling you. she then wasted no time grabbing your dick and rubbing it against her slit before slowly sinking herself onto you.

the grip her pussy had on you was deadly, her hole was so tight that you felt as if you could cum inside her right now.

"oh my god.." she moaned the moment you began to thrust into her. her eyes were rolling back and her breasts were bouncing in your face, this was a sight you would simply never get tired of.

"gonna fuck you so good you'll forget suna ever existed."

suna's pov

"are you sure it was her?" atsumu asked.

you'd called him to pick you up at the airport and to drop you off at (y/n)'s place. at the moment you were more angry than sad, you refused to believe that (y/n) had willingly gone out of her way to do anything sexual with akaashi.

though given how into it she was in the video, a part of you feared that she'd initiated it.

your stomach sank the moment you saw it and you felt like throwing up right in the middle of the airport. fortunately, tsumu had calmed you down enough to get you back to your senses.

"yeah, i could tell those bed covers from a mile away." you replied.

"don't you find it weird that you were both sent videos by an unknown number? each of which with hardly any context." tsumu asked.

"what? (y/n) was sent a video too? of what?"

"you mean you didn't talk to her on the phone earlier?" atsumu raised a brow.

"no, we haven't spoken in more than a week."

"that's weird, she told me earlier at school today that you cheated on her.. something about a video being sent to her of you eating out another girl."

you scoffed to yourself before rubbing your temples, you couldn't believe you had been set up like this. "the only other girl i've had record me whilst giving head is my ex, and that was well over 2 years ago." you replied.

"i had a feeling.. i knew her telling me you cheated was bullshit." atsumu gripped the steering wheel in frustration.

a part of you couldn't help but feel broken, it hurt you knowing that (y/n) thought you'd ever cheat on her. although you knew she had trust issues with you moving away and all, it was almost as if that promise ring meant nothing.

"so who the hell sent her that shit?" you mumbled to yourself until it suddenly clicked.

"akaashi, that damn son of a bitch. i'll murder him."

"what a dick, never would've thought anyone would stoop that low.. even if you are enemies." atsumu replied.

"it's a crazy world we live in." you laughed before cracking your knuckles and looking out the window.

atsumu didn't say anything back, he couldn't help but feel scared since the last time you laughed when you got mad you ended up putting the other person on life support.

"we should be there within the next 5 minutes, i'll take the shortcut to get us there quicker."

your pov

"fuck, that's the most i've came in so long." you sat up looking at the mess you made, your heart still racing.

"good to know that i've set a new record." akaashi chuckled.

he was right, the last time you'd ever orgasmed that much in one sitting was when you had sex with kenma and even then you could hardly take it. you didn't know what had changed this time round but your legs felt like jelly right now.

"shut up." you turned to face the bed. "i should clean up now."

"you want help?" he asked.

"yeah, thanks- just let me get some spare sheets from the laundry room."

akaashi nodded as you left the room, you went downstairs and entered the laundry room only to be interrupted by a text from atsumu. expecting nothing but more good news about samu, you were confused at what you read.

tsumu <3
are you with akaashi right now?

yeah, why?

tsumu <3
tell him to come outside

what for?

tsumu <3
suna's here.

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