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(two weeks later)

➜ you were now at the hospital visiting suna who had been in critical since the whole incident occurred, you hadn't realised how serious his injuries were until the doctor had told you that he had to be put in a coma.

everyone was devastated by the news but suna's little sister was hit hardest, suna was the only sibling she had ever known so it broke your heart to see her in such a traumatised state.

clarisse, rinko and miyu were found not too far from the crime scene and were arrested for kidnapping and attempted murder whilst terushima was arrested on sight, it was still unknown when their trial would be but you were glad they'd been caught nonetheless.

you hadn't spoken to kenma since the incident but you heard he'd been taken into custody for some questioning since although he didn't do anything directly, he still played a role in the whole incident.

(play song now!)

you took a deep breath as you stood in front of suna's hospital door, his birthday was coming up too so you hoped that he'd wake up soon. upon opening the door you were surprised to see suna with his eyes open, looking up at the ceiling with his hair in his face.

"oh my god." you sighed in relief. "thank goodness you're finally awake, i don't know what i'd do if you never woke up."

you immediately walked towards him and held his hand only for him to pull away and look at you with a startled expression.

"w-who are you?" he rasped.

that question was all it took for your heart to shatter, this seriously wasn't happening right now. you looked suna in the eye before letting out a light chuckle.

"it's (y/n).. the girl you had feelings for." you gulped. "don't you remember me? please don't do this to me rin."

suna analysed you for a few seconds before speaking once more. "i'm sorry but.. i don't know you."

you looked at him whilst smiling faintly, tears were streaming down your cheeks and you felt empty inside. the one person you had only ever felt true love for didn't even know who you were anymore.

"it's not fucking fair." you mumbled beneath your breath. "all we ever had is gone because of one jealous bitch who couldn't accept that you didn't have feelings for her."

"jealous bitch?" suna raised a brow. "tell me more about her."

"her name was clarisse and she was psycho, she caught feelings after you two hooked up then got mad because you didn't reciprocate her feelings- she then tried to kill you out of spite because you had feelings for me." you whimpered.

"oh, i'm sorry i don't remember." he held your hand.

"this hurts.. so fucking much." you heaved, unable to hold back your emotions any longer.

"why are you crying?" suna asked.

"because i'm in love with you, everything was finally going well between us- only for it to be taken away in the blink of an eye.." you wiped your eyes. "i've never felt love like this before in my entire life."

"could you say that one more time?" suna spoke, pulling you closer.

"i said, i've never felt like this before in my entire life."

"good." he nodded. "that's all i needed to hear."

before you knew it suna's lips were on yours, and the two of you were making out. neither one of you dared to pull away as suna's hand snaked round to the back of your head to intensify the kiss even more.

"you know i could never forget you (y/n)." he pulled away, smirking as you both made eye contact.

you instantly backed away with widened eyes, there was no way he had just pranked you like this.

"what the hell?" your brows furrowed. "how do i know you're telling the truth?"

"does hello kitty panties ring a bell?" he scoffed.

"you fucker." you laughed and playfully poked him. "i should've just let you die."

"hey now, you know you don't mean that, i know you missed me." suna chuckled.

"shut the fuck up." you rolled your eyes.

"hm?" he looked at you "make me."

you wasted no time leaning in again to which he finally stayed silent, with all the love you had you could kiss him for the rest of your life but you were both unfortunately forced to pull away the moment the hospital door opened.

"are we interrupting something?" you heard atsumu's goofy voice ask.

tsumu and nanako entered the room alongside osamu. the grey haired felt incredibly guilty after finding out that his closest friends had been kidnapped, there wasn't anything he could do except wait and pray that you were all okay to which you thankfully were.

this was the first time that the three of them had seen suna conscious since the night of tanaka's new years party.

"hey, you're awake!" osamu said and rushed to suna's side, there was nothing better than seeing him finally be at peace because his bestfriend had woken from his coma.

"hey man, i missed you guys- really." suna smiled.

"we missed you too, you had us all worried sick." nanako said.

"yeah, that's 2 near death experiences in the span of a month- i'm glad you're alive and well." atsumu added.

suna side eyed him, getting flashbacks of the time he was nearly killed because of his dumb attempt of a cannon ball in the school pool.

"thanks but how's my sister doing? i cant imagine how difficult it must've been for her to grasp onto this whole situation so quickly."

"i visited your place yesterday and i'm not gonna lie, reiko wasn't doing the best. she's doing better than before don't get me wrong but i have a feeling this whole situation will stick with her for a while." you spoke up.

"ah shit." suna sighed to himself and attempted to sit up. "i need to see her."

"hey." you stopped him. "she'll feel better knowing that you're awake and resting in hospital, don't stress yourself out about it."

"alright." he said. "but please do one thing and tell her that i'm sorry.. and from now on, i'll do everything in my power to be the best big brother she could've ever asked for."

a/n : i work tmr and start my senior year on monday so my updates won't be as consistent from now, ly guys :)

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