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➜ the next day at work was dreadful, all you could think about was osamu's state and how messed up he looked in that hospital bed. it made you sick knowing that he was so close to offing himself and no one had even suspected anything until it was too late.

your shift was nearly over and you hadn't seen akaashi all day, not that you cared though. after finding out what he did to suna's ex you didn't know what to think of him anymore.

"hey (y/n), you good?"

you turned to stare at him for a second only to turn right back around, akaashi's eyes narrowed slightly the moment he realised you'd ignored him. he couldn't possibly understand why you'd act like this around him of all people.

"uh, earth to (y/n)?" he added with a chuckle.

"i'm busy." you replied, proceeding to put the plates in the cupboard.

"what's with the sudden attitude?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"i just don't wanna talk." you said.

"damn ok." he shrugged. "is it something i did?"

"you tell me."

akaashi hummed to himself, possibly not understanding how quickly your attitude towards him could change in the span of 24 hours.

"i don't recall doing anything to you." he paused. "look, if it's about suna then i-"

"you what?" you interrupted. "finally feel bad for ruining someone else's life because you couldn't take accountability for your own actions?"

"woah." akaashi's brows furrowed. "where is this coming from?"

"you know what i'm talking about akaashi." you snapped.

"no, i seriously don't." he insisted, grabbing your arm so you could face him properly.

you paused upon locking eyes with him, he genuinely looked confused and you couldn't help but feel a little bad for suddenly going off on him like this. though, for all you knew he could be putting on an act.

"you leaked another girls nudes and got someone else arrested for it."

akaashi's expression dropped when you said that sentence. almost as if he couldn't believe the words that had just left your mouth, you couldn't tell what he was thinking at all.

then after a few seconds, the silence finally broke. "that damn fucking rumour.."

"what?" you asked.

"i said it was a damn rumour, that shit never happened." akaashi repeated himself.

"so then what the hell happened?"

akaashi looked at the clock and then back at you, seeing that there was just under an hour left before the two of you ended your shift. the restaurant was packed at the moment too which made it all the more worse.

"meet me behind the restaurant at the end of our shift, i'll explain everything there." was all he told you.

"akari was never an innocent girl, even whilst she was in a relationship with suna all she would ever do was hit me or the first year in college volleyball students up whenever she got bored. i have to admit i did feel pretty bad for suna since whenever he didn't show her attention because he was busy or had errands we were the first people she'd run to."

"oh fuck." you gasped. "so she was more or less cheating on him for you.. and other guys too?"

"exactly that, she sent us all nudes but for whatever reason felt most entitled to see my reaction towards them."

you hummed before speaking up once more. "did you entertain it?"

"of course i did." akaashi shrugged. "at the time i had only ever heard of suna and owed no loyalty towards the guy, if a hot chick like her wanted my attention then who was i to ignore her?"

it all made sense now, you now understood why the two despised each other so much.

"but i wanna make shit clear." he continued. "although we did fuck and send each other explicit photos, i wasn't the one to expose her. besides, the nude that got exposed wasn't even one that she'd sent to me so for everyone to put the blame on me like this is just absurd."

"okay." you said. "imagine you were in suna's shoes. how would you feel knowing that other guys were entertaining your girl when they knew you were in a relationship with her."

"he didn't know tho-"

"answer the question akaashi." you interrupted.

he sighed. "i wouldn't like it."

"exactly, it was morally wrong for you to even consider it in the first place."

"but.." the raven hair continued. "it's akari we're talking about, no one ever respected the girl in the first place."

"so say it was me, since i'm dating suna right now.. would you back off because you respect me?" you suddenly asked.

it went quiet. in all honesty akaashi had been meaning to steal you from suna but was just waiting for the right moment, too bad for him you weren't budging though.

nonetheless, he wouldn't reveal his true intentions now since it would just make things awkward.

"of course not." akaashi insisted. "we'll always be just friends."

"that's good to know.. i guess that clears things up then." you replied.

"so that's the reason why you were moving so cold to me huh?"

"well yeah, plus suna doesn't want us being friends so i've gotta respect his wishes you know?"

"tsk." akaashi scoffed. "what? is he scared i'll take you away from him or something?"

you shrugged. "considering you did that to his last girl, i wouldn't be surprised."

"i didn't want akari though, we just had sex."

you felt your stomach drop, was akaashi indirectly confessing to wanting you this very moment? not that it mattered though, akaashi wanting you was the last of your concern at the moment.

"yeah, i figured." you dismissed the conversation. "come on let's get going, it's freezing outside."

"right behind ya."

and so the two of you proceeded the walk to akaashi's car and he drove you home, the ride back was fairly silent since all you could think about was the conversation which had occurred tonight.

you genuinely didn't know who to believe and it was tearing you apart, though one thing you knew for sure was that suna wouldn't lie to you.

i apologise for going MIA all of a sudden, i've genuinely lost interest in this app but for the sake of this book i'll try to be on here :)

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