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➜ suna never showed up to school the following monday. your whole weekend had been hell because of that stupid party and you had no one to blame for it but yourself, you hadn't realised not talking to suna would hurt this much.

it didn't help that you'd been receiving countless questions from your peers asking about the whole thing, they presumed you and terushima were back together and to be honest just the thought of that alone pissed you off.

you had explained the whole situation to the twins and nanako and they had all taken into consideration that you weren't the one who initiated it, rinko's instagram story had made the whole situation look ten times worse than it really was.

"i still can't believe that bitch even thought to post that without your permission.. and she claims to be your friend?" nanako scoffed.

in actuality, you hadn't realised how fucked up what she did was until now. you were too focused on how suna was feeling that you hadn't taken the time to think about how the whole problem formed in the first place.

rinko knew it was a dare and also knew you would never get back together with yuji, some shit stirrer she was.

"i know, not even i can believe it." you sighed.

"have you spoken to her about it yet?"

"no but i-"

"then what the hell are you waiting for? i cant stand to watch these girls disrespect you any longer." nanako insisted.

"these girls are not your friends (y/n).. what more does it take for you to see that?"

you took in what she was saying, just by the way they had been treating nanako you could tell something was off. the fact that they were also encouraging things with their little rumours was only making things worse.

"i'm gonna go find them now." you spoke.

"and i'm coming with you." she stood.

considering it was the end of the school day you figured it wouldn't be too hard to find them, after all if they weren't thirsting over the volleyball boys then they were definitely gossiping by their lockers.

you left the class with nanako and to your surprise the usually packed hallways were abnormally empty, in all your years at inarizaki things had never been this strange before.

it wasn't until you turned the corner however that your questions were answered, a group of people were circulating the lockers and you weren't even shocked to see who was stood in the middle of them. rinko and miyu were being bombarded with questions regarding the party last weekend and it was quite evident that they were enjoying all the attention.

"fucking hell, i can't with this school." nanako groaned.

it would be a challenge but not something you were fazed by, a group of people wasn't gonna stop you from voicing your opinion. and so you headed towards them, shoving people out of the way until you got to the centre.

rinko had the audacity to smile at you upon realising that you were there.

"we need to talk." you told her.

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