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suna's pov

➜ she was just being over dramatic. clarisse hadn't even been here a week and (y/n) already saw her as some kind of threat, she couldn't expect you not to bond with her when clarisse would literally be spending the next few months living under the same roof as you.

you didn't think it was that deep to go home though, sure you knew she was bothered but didn't think that the whole thing would upset her this much. one thing you knew for sure was that you weren't chasing after her, not tonight at least.

you figured it would be best to just let her calm down on her own for now, and as much as you wanted her to be here right now you couldn't just abandon clarisse because (y/n) had left.

"i'm back." she flashed a smile which instantly faded the moment she realised (y/n) wasn't there anymore. "oh? where is (y/n)?"

you couldn't tell her the real reason as to why she'd left.

"something came up and she had to run, she said she's sorry and won't be returning for the rest of the night." you said.

"oh that's a shame, i was looking forward to bonding with her some more- i hope she's ok." clarisse sighed. "so that just leaves me and you then?"

"yeah and i'm sure you're hungry, wanna grab some fast food?"

"you bet!" she beamed, clinging onto your arm.

you pulled your arm away, making it clear that you didn't wanna persue anything with her. there was a difference between being welcoming and just straight up flirting.

"sorry- did i hurt you?" clarisse quickly spoke, confused.

"nah, i just don't like being touched.. no hard feelings though." you replied.

"ah okay, my bad." she laughed. "let's get going then."

something about this felt so wrong but you didn't see the harm in taking her out, after all how else were you gonna get (y/n) to trust you?

your pov

"i'm so fucking done nanako." you groaned as you laid back down on her bed.

"i would be too because what the fuck?" she scoffed. "even him having you sit in the backseat for the drive there is crazy."

you were just tired to be honest and found it unfair how quickly things were going downhill between you and suna all because of this one girl who couldn't even speak english properly. it just had to be you didn't it?

"yeah, i wish you were there to see for yourself- even the way she tags along with him like a lost puppy at school is just weird to me." you replied.

because of the physical damage nanako had done to miyu's scalp, she had been given a longer suspension period and would be returning to school the following monday. things were odd to say the very least but you were glad she was finally returning in a few days.

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