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osamu's pov

(a few months ago)

➜ "you hear about the new girl that joined in the class above yesterday?" you asked your brother, adjusting your school tie as you stood in front of the mirror.

"hm? which new girl?" he replied.

"the name's nanako i believe, nanako kurihara."

"oh, a whole bunch of new girls join our school all the time.. there's probably nothing special about this one-"

"no tsumu, she's different." you interrupted, forcing him to stop in his tracks. "it's just something about her, i don't know what it is yet but she's just different."

"damn, you must really be feelin' her then huh?" tsumu scoffed.

"no, i'd just like to get to know her is all." you replied.

"then go for it."

atsumu didn't understand, unlike him you weren't the type to entertain multiple women. instead you preferred a more subtle approach, prioritising the happiness of one person and one person only.

although you never admitted it, you had been meaning to meet a special person and it often made you feel lonely whenever you saw (y/n) and suna getting cosy with each other or hugging one another in the hallways.

"alright, i'll spark up a conversation with her today then." you nodded.

you were skeptical about telling your brother about her since he had a habit of 'accidentally' flirting or getting along with every girl you saw potential in, though it didn't really surprise you anymore.

everything had been a competition between you both since you were kids.

you just hoped that he'd let you win this one for a change.

"hey, you need help there?" you asked the girl, approaching from behind.

you didn't want to seem creepy but you had more or less been following and tracking her schedule all day, never in your life had you felt so physically attracted to someone before.

"actually yes, i do." nanako turned back and grinned at you. "i have no idea where the performing arts room is, could you please take me there?"

"sure thing."

and so the two of you made your way, nanako just had a charm about her that would enable her to start a conversation with anyone about almost anything. it surprised you just how open she was about certain topics.

"and then i almost got fired for going to work high." she sniggered.

you laughed too and watched the way her hazel eyes glistened behind her spectacles, even whilst laughing she looked incredibly beautiful.

"i just know we'd get fired if we worked together." you added.

"you think?" she smiled. "you seem like a pretty chill guy, i never would've thought you'd be one to smoke. it's always the quiet ones hm?"

well she wasn't the first one to say that, suna was practically your bestfriend so it came as no surprise that you were a stoner too. unlike your twin brother, you actually loved how relaxed being high made you feel.

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