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osamu's pov

➜ "what did you wanna talk about?" your brother asked, nanako tagging alongside him as they both sat on the couch.

you took a deep breath. "i have a confession."

"don't tell me.. you're gay?" nanako gasped, clasping her mouth in surprise.

"no, actually." you cleared your throat.

"you're planning on moving out?" atsumu interrupted, grinning with joy.

"what? no." you replied. "it's serious."

"my bad, go on then." he prompted you.

this was it.

"so, remember that time you guys went to smoke at (y/n)'s place and came back late?"

"mhm." they hummed in unison.

"well that night when you went to the store, i came home to nanako laying in my bed and let's just say.. things got a little heated." you said.

atsumu's brows quickly furrowed, looking between you both. "what do you mean heated?"

even nanako look startled, the poor girl had no idea what she'd just been caught in the middle of.

you took a few seconds to yourself before replying. "we had sex."

"we did?" nanako questioned, just as confused as her boyfriend was.

"you what?" atsumu asked, unable to believe what he'd just heard.

"i fucked her." you repeated yourself.

your brother turned to face nanako, a look of fiery in his eyes. one thing you knew for sure is that you weren't gonna let her take the blame, especially because you were the whole reason this was all happening in the first place.

"but don't blame her." you quickly added on. "she was under the influence and thought i was you, i could've stopped but chose not to."

nanako looked up at you, not knowing what to think. she felt incredibly guilty for initiating something with her boyfriends brother. atsumu had every right to be mad at you but nothing could prepare you for what he was about to do next.

so the moment his fist made contact with your jaw, you knew things weren't gonna end well.

"how fucking dare you." he spat.

your ears were ringing right now as you held your jaw in pain, you had no idea your brother had this much strength. nonetheless you firmed the punch either way since right now, it was what you deserved.

atsumu waited for you to get up before grabbing your shirt and slamming you against the wall, knocking a flower pot over in the process.

nanako screamed in fear. having never seen her boyfriend behave in such a way, it was only natural that she'd be scared right now.

"stop tsumu! this isn't the w-"

"you shut the hell up nanako." he interrupted, immediately silencing her.

"don't you fucking talk to her like that." you pushed tsumu back, causing him to charge at you again - grabbing your throat this time.

"you should be the last person with anything to say." atsumu retorted. "of all things, i never would've thought you'd go as far as this- sleeping with my fucking girlfriend? are you insane osamu?" he continued.

"look, i know it's fucked up but in the moment i wasn't thinking and i just-"

"you just what?" your brother interrupted, gripping your neck even tighter this time.
"because you couldn't keep your feelings in check you thought it was okay to sleep with my girl?"

"you were the one who took her away from me." you stood your ground, making nanako's eyes widen in confusion.

"and how exactly did i do that hm?" he let go, causing you to cough. "she caught feelings for me and vice versa, why can't you just accept that instead of letting your horny compulsions get the better of you?"


"because what?" atsumu yelled, his interruptions were starting to piss you off now.

you wasted no time punching him in the stomach, instantly winding him. atsumu stumbled a bit before holding his stomach in pain.

"would you just shut the fuck for one second and listen to what i have to say? damn." you cleared your throat.

"because you don't even care about her tsumu, the only thing you do care about is winning every little competition we have between us- from the moment i told you i had an interest i should've known you'd do this." you proclaimed.

it stayed silent for a moment, with the only sound being nanako's occasional whimpers in the background. right now you weren't focused on her though, the tension between you and your brother was unmatched.

atsumu didn't attack you this time, nor did he shout. in fact, what he said next hurt you even more than any physical attack could've.

"if you can't accept that nanako's the one that i truly want to spend the rest of my life with, then i'm sorry but i no longer consider us brothers."

you suddenly felt a sharp pain beckon through your chest, but all you could do for the time being was accept his words and leave. in all honesty you hadn't expected things to go as far as they did today.

"fine." you walked up towards the staircase before addressing your brother one last time. "if that's what you want, then i'll take my leave."

about an hour had passed and you were slowly starting to regret leaving without a plan, you had packed a few clothes including your uniform to last you a few days since you knew you wouldn't be returning home for a while.

after that, you were pretty sure neither tsumu or nanako wanted to see you again.

you had been sitting at this fast food place for what felt like forever and it didn't help that you were starting to feel sleepy, to make matters worse your phone was about to die too.

"hey, we're closing soon so you might wanna leave buddy." a worker tapped your shoulder, you didn't have the energy to argue today so all you could do was look at him and follow his instructions.

"hey, wait-" he paused upon seeing the bruise on your face. "you ok kid?"

you looked at him, blinking away your tears. "i'm fine." you quickly replied before walking out.

once you left, there was only one place you could think to go. it was the only place you could go, you just hoped that she was home right now.

if there was one person who would have your back through thick and thin, it was (y/n).

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