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➜ "uh, you're in my way?" you heard a familiar voice say. you turned and to your demise there stood clarisse, it was only 8am and she was already speaking to you in such a manner. you really couldn't catch a break these days.

"uh, maybe go around us.. i don't know?" nanako replied. you on the other hand were in such shock that you didn't even get to say your response. deep down you had started to feel bad for the way you were acting towards her.

not anymore though.

"you're literally standing in front of my locker." clarisse sighed and crossed her arms.

"and there's a certain way you speak to people." nanako stood to the side. "be nicer next time."

"yeah, whatever." you heard her mumble beneath her breath as she grabbed her stuff, before she left however she had one more thing to say to you both.

"like you two can talk, sending people to hospital for fun isn't cute you know." the biracial walked away.

you and nanako both stared at each other with your mouths wide open, just who did this exchange student think she was?

"nah because who the fuck is she talking to?" nanako was about to go after her but you grabbed her arm, preventing her from doing so.

"don't entertain it, she's just trying to get under our skin." you sighed. "miyu and rinko's lies have clearly gotten to her head."

"shit." nanako muttered to herself. "we should've known they'd pull something off like that."

"yeah but it's whatever, at the end of the day we did fuck them up so if they wanna move bitchy then we'll gladly do it again plus clarisse."

"i like your thinking- hey what the hell!?" nanako suddenly yelled when her eyes were covered from behind.

it came as no surprise seeing atsumu as the culprit, behind him stood suna and samu. suna held an arm out to which you went over and hugged him, the smell of his cologne was something you'd never get tired of.

"guess who." atsumu said in a voice.

"what are you, five?" osamu scoffed before walking past him.

"i know it's you tsumu." nanako removed his hands and chuckled to herself.

atsumu scowled at his brother. "can't you ever just let me be happy?"

"she knew it was you anyway, after all who else stinks like coffee and speaks like they're on the brink of death?" his twin brother joked.

you couldn't help but laugh at their childish dispute, now that you thought of it there wasn't a day where they hadn't argued at least once this year. osamu always found something to tick atsumu off and vice versa.

"hilarious." atsumu sarcastically replied, rolling his eyes.

"hey." nanako looked up at him. "it was just a joke." she said, thinking he was being serious.

"i know, baby." atsumu rested his head on her shoulder, hugging her from behind.

just seeing them together made you wanna squeal, it made you feel warm inside that your two closest friends were happy together.

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