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➜ "rin!" you squealed when suna suddenly slapped your ass before plopping his head onto it, he was practically using it as a pillow and to be honest you weren't complaining.

it was nearing midnight when he came over and considering it was a friday it didn't really matter what time he left, so long as he was gone before your parents made it back. the two of you were currently laying on your bed just scrolling through your phones, you didn't actually have any intentions inviting him over.

you just wanted to be near him.

suna put his phone down and planted his face into one cheek whilst groping the other with his large hand. "mm- so.. soft." he groaned. you laughed at the ticklish feeling, trying your hardest to push his head away but he just wouldn't budge.

"move- suna!" you finally broke from his grip, crawling to the head of the bed to escape but before you could make it there he grabbed your ankle and dragged you back.

you had managed to flip yourself around and charge at him and for a moment you thought you had him on lock until you looked down, realising that you were straddling him.

you stayed silent for a few seconds to simply brace the feeling before speaking up. "suna, i can feel your dick."

he chuckled before pressing a finger on your lower stomach. "wanna feel it in you next?"

"shut up." you smiled to yourself before slapping his chest and climbing off. "let's make edibles, i'm hungry." you reached to grab suna's arm, pulling him up with you.

you quickly jogged to the other side of the room to reach for the weed you had stashed in your zipper bag. suna observed the bag in your hand, seeing that you had about 3 grams left of the total 7 he had given you.

"and i'm the addict?" he scoffed.

"considering you were the one who gave this to me for free? yes, yes you are." you replied walking past him.

suna chased after you until you both made it downstairs to the kitchen, considering you were home alone this time you were bound to have a blast. suna had already met your parents but since the one time they had caught him smoking outside your home, they'd banned him from ever coming over.

since then you've had to sneak him in and given how close the two of you were now, your parents would eventually have to learn to accept suna whether they liked it or not.

your parents cared severely about your health but little did they know that their own daughter was a stoner too.

"hey rin, could you check if there's flour in the cabinet please?"

suna checked and found that there was nothing there. "nah, there isn't." he replied. you nodded and proceeded to look in the bottom cabinets where all the extra ingredients were stored, bending over to grab them in the process.

suna couldn't help but stare as your oversized hoodie barely did it's job at covering your camel toe from behind, you could be doing the most innocent of things and suna's mind would turn it into something dirty.

"what're you staring at?" you asked, seeing suna's face in the reflection of a metal pan.

your pussy.

"i zoned out." he turned. "i'll weigh out the weed whilst you work on the cookie batter."

"'kay- try not to snort some whilst you're at it." you joked.

"shut the fuck up."

about an hour had passed and you were currently washing the dishes whilst yours and suna's baked goodies sat in the oven. the smell was strong but all you could do was hope it went by the time your parents came home.

you passed the final wet bowl to suna to dry and place into the cupboard before letting out a large sigh, your arms were killing you. "i haven't baked this much since fucking middle school, we're definitely seeing space today."

"you sure your parents won't say anything?" suna asked. "we did use the last of the weed for that batch, there's no doubt you'll be high for the rest of the weekend."

"i'll be fine." you said.

a short story.

"hey." suna placed the final plate into the cupboard. "come here."

you raised a brow but walked towards him nonetheless, noticing that his eyes were fixated on your lips. you sat up on the counter opposite him, faces inches away from each other as he rested his hands on either side of your thighs to cage you in.

you were surprised to feel his tongue lick the corner of your mouth, instantly catching you off guard. "there was cookie dough on the side of your lip." he spoke. all you could do was stare as suna took in your flustered expression.

"stop teasing me, if you wanna kiss just say that." you playfully rolled your eyes.

"damn you got me, wanna do it for real this time?" he smirked.

you chuckled before pulling him in, suna's lips immediately latched onto yours as you cupped his cheeks to deepen it more. his hands wasted no time caressing your bare thighs as your tongue occasionally slipped into his mouth.

neither one of you dared to pull away as both of your hands roamed each others bodies, you sighed into the kiss when suna's hands found their way up your hoodie to play with your bare nipples. you couldn't help but throw your head back at the pleasurable feeling to which suna took as his cue to suck along your neck.

"so fuckin' beautiful." you heard him mutter between the kisses which only turned you on even more.

when suna finally pulled away you found yourself gazing into his eyes, a look of lust overcoming them. "i fucking hate you sometimes."

"yeah?" suna chuckled to himself. "bet you'll change your mind after i make you cum."

you were taken by surprise the moment suna reached forward to pick you up and effortlessly threw you over his shoulder, slapping your ass in the process. it still always amazed you how much strength volleyball players had.

"what the fuck!? rin-" you laughed.

"you're in my hands now, just let me take care of you."

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