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(one week later)

➜ this past week had been incredibly hard to say the very least. not giving into suna for this long was something you definitely weren't used to and it was slowly eating you alive. you knew it was for the better though, he had caused you enough emotional damage as it was.

you had been spending much of your time interacting with kenma this week and were loving it. he portrayed himself as more reserved and antisocial on the outside but once he got comfortable, kenma was actually one of the most talkative people you knew.

he too was going to tanaka's new years party which made the whole thing more convenient for you, with christmas round the corner all you wanted was someone who could make you happy.

that's what you deserved after all.

"he didn't say much, just to be ready by 7pm and he'll come pick me up." you told nanako as you shut your locker.

you were thankful that it was the last day of school before winter break since you simply couldn't stand to see miyu, rinko, suna or clarisse any longer. suna hadn't been speaking to her much in school but after what reiko told you, there was no telling what the two of them were doing behind closed doors.

"i wonder what he's planning, better be something life changing." nanako hummed.

"yeah, i plan to keep whatever we have between the two of us real lowkey too-"

"why are you here?" nanako interrupted, looking behind you.

you turned and to your demise stood suna, he had completely ignored nanako's question and his attention was on you. suna had been belling down your line this past week and it was taking everything in you not to block him.

the only reason why you hadn't done so was because he was still your plug. whether you were on good terms with him or not, you were still gonna buy that weed.

"can we talk?" suna said, his question came out more as a demand than anything else.


"why not?"

"because i don't want to and you're dead to me suna, get that through your head and leave me alone." you told him before walking away.

suna knew how much you despised clarisse and also knew how uncomfortable seeing the two of them together made you, for him to have fucked her and not told you was just another level of disrespect.

just hearing him voice those words made your blood boil, how one could be so inconsiderate was beyond you. suna didn't say anything back and didn't chase after you either, perhaps he had finally taken the hint and let you be.

"i'm real proud of you (y/n), you actually told him how it was for once." nanako patted your shoulder.

"well yeah, of course i was gonna tell him." you replied. "i got sick and tired of his bullshit."

"looks like you're getting your back blown out tonight, god damn (y/n)." atsumu said.

you were on a group facetime with him, samu and nanako to showcase your outfit for tonight's date with kenma. they supported your decision to go since not even they could comprehend what had gotten into suna.

"yeah fuck, you look good." samu added.

"i'm straight but would scissor the fuck out of you right now if i could, my girl never fails to disappoint." nanako gave the final comment, making your eyes widen and cheeks grow warm.

"thanks you guys, really." you chuckled. "i feel even better than i did before."

you had truly gone all out today, the dress you wore was the best (f/c) one you could find in store and it complimented your skin tone perfectly. you had also taken the time to curl your hair and properly apply your makeup.

kenma would definitely be blown away once he saw you tonight.

"it's 6:59, you better tell us how it goes (y/n)." atsumu spoke, realising that you had started to put your heels on.

"oh don't worry, i will-"

you were interrupted the moment you heard the doorbell ring downstairs, signalling that kenma had arrived. he was punctual and you liked that.

"fuck he's here." you quickly told them. "i feel sick."

"you'll be fine, just be yourself." osamu reassured you.

you took a deep breath and grabbed your phone, holding it up to your face now. the three of their faces stared at yours in amazement, you rarely wore makeup but always outdid yourself whenever you did.

"alright, i'm gonna go now.. talk to you guys later." you smiled.

they said their goodbyes and you left the call, from there you grabbed your purse and made your way downstairs. upon opening the front door you were immediately met with kenma who wore a black suit with a red tie, his hair was tied into a man bun whilst a few strands fell over his forehead.

he also had a bouquet of flowers in his hand which made you smile, this was the first set of flowers that you'd ever received from a boy. kenma had gone above and beyond and you hadn't even left the house yet.

"hi beautiful." kenma said whilst leaning in to hug you. "you look great."

"thankyou handsome, i love these." you pulled away and took the flowers from his hand, pecking him on the lips as a thanks.

"yeah, they match your dress too." he added before looking down at how well it complimented your figure.

you were grinning like an idiot right now, kenma was definitely ticking all your boxes and you honestly couldn't ask for anything more. you stepped out and locked the front door, kenma took your hand and helped you walk down the stairs in your heels towards his car.

"so, where are you taking me?" you asked as kenma went to open your passenger door.

"you'll find out sooner or later." he smirked. "it's a surprise."

"oh really?"

"mhm, i know you'll be satisfied.. just you wait and see."

"okay kozume." you looked and smiled at him.

"i trust you."

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