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➜ it had been a few days since suna left and if you were being honest, they had been the hardest few days you'd had in a while. the weed suna had gifted you as a goodbye was slowly running out which meant you would also have to find a new plug.

not to mention that you'd been unsuccessful in finding a job in your local area, the only job that had accepted you was a newly opened restaurant a few miles from your home.

times like these you wished you had a license.

fortunately enough though, nanako had offered to drive you to your first shift. the sun had barely even risen and you were already up, though you were excited to see how your first day would go.

nanako sent you a text, indicating that you should leave the house. from there you threw your jacket on and made your way down the stairs, encountering your mother in the kitchen as you did so.

"hey mom, i'm headed off to work." you spoke, patting her shoulder as you walked past her.

"you have a job?" she raised a brow.

"yes." you stopped at the door and turned to face her. "i told you about it a few days ago."

she paused to think for a moment. "ah yes.. well, good luck then." your mother replied.

"thanks." you smiled faintly before taking your leave.

you couldn't help but feel neglected by your parents at times. considering they were almost never home because of work, you often felt like they just didn't acknowledge you anymore.

though to be honest, by now it was just something you were used to.

"hey!" nanako rolled the window down. "took ya long enough." she joked.

"oh shut up, i didn't take that long." you retorted.

"i'm just playing." she proceeded to start the car up. "you ready to go?"

"you bet."

once you finally arrived at your workplace, you saw a few other members of staff and were escorted to get your uniform. you had to admit considering how rundown the overall area was, the restaurant was pretty top notch.

however once you were done putting on your clothes, you couldn't help but notice a familiar face. you played it off at first, assuming it was just your mind playing tricks on you but upon closer inspection you read the name tag.


"hm?" he turned and his eyes immediately widened upon seeing you. "fuck, (y/n)? what're you doing here?"

"what am i doing here?" you gawked. "where have you been all these years?"

it had been almost ten years since you'd seen him and you couldn't believe how much he had matured. since early middle school he would jokingly call you his pretty princess and anyone could tell that the two of you were in love even as kids.

though, all of that changed when he suddenly had to move away, forcing you to cut ties with him for as long as you could remember.

"i've been living here in takasaki for almost a decade." he smiled, now approaching you.

the last time you'd seen him he was the same height as you and now he practically towered over you. you couldn't believe this was the same boy who would burst into tears whenever you yelled at him.

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