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➜ it was now nearing 10pm and both you and suna were still faded after hotboxing your joints earlier, suna had parked his car in an empty parking lot a few blocks away from your home so you wouldn't get caught.

you felt a lot calmer and relaxed than you did earlier and were overall feeling pretty confident about asking suna out now, after all the time you had spent together today, how could he possibly say no?

you didn't know how but the topic landed on your ex. you never really spoke about terushima, mainly because of how toxic he was and how much emotional damage he had caused you in the past.

the two of you were on calm terms as of now but you would never forget those endless nights of you crying yourself to sleep because of those godforsaken female 'friends' that he'd tell you not to worry about.

"so terushima, tell me about him." suna sat back, resting in his car seat.

"we met at school and were together for just under a year, everything was going well at first but things changed after i moved to inarizaki for my second year of high school." you paused.

suna seemed to recall when you joined as a second year, from his point of view you looked to be a charming girl who was always happy, though he never really spoke to you much. at one point however he did notice that you stopped showing up to school for a couple of weeks.

"almost immediately i started hearing rumours that he was flirting with other girls, i didn't believe them at first since i thought that what we had was genuine but shortly after, a video of him kissing another girl was sent to me- i ended our relationship immediately and didn't fall for whatever shitty excuse he had to give."

it all made sense to suna now, you had always made yourself out to be ok and strong on the outside but deep down he knew you were hurting inside. back when you were together, terushima had restricted any male friendships so you usually limited how often you spoke to other boys in order to keep him happy.

little did you know though, the moment you left johzenji high he was balls deep inside of practically every and any girl that came his way.

"i see." suna hummed. "he's a fucking dick for cheating, i hope you know that you weren't the problem right?"

"yes of course... well now i do at least." you mumbled.

in order to stay out of drama you had forgiven yuji, though in your mind you had taken a mental note to never associate yourself with him again. these days everyone saw him for the true player that he was and you honestly felt sorry for whichever girl surcame to be his next victim.

it was a learning curve and you now knew to never fall for someone of such playboy antics again.

"it's just a shame that pretty girls like you keep falling for him." you heard suna mumble, his hand now resting on your bare thigh. "if you were my girl i wouldn't let you shed a tear."

"suna.. i-"

"would make you feel so good that you'd forget about all your problems."

you forgot that suna was the type to get horny when he was high, he would often say sexual things that gave you butterflies but it was only recently that the two of you had actually started acting upon those sexual things.

"there's something i need to ask you."

you figured that now would be most appropriate time to ask him considering the last time the both of you got like this, suna ate you out and fingered you in the back of his car.

"can it wait?" he murmured, his fingers now inches away from your clothed clit.

"no rin, it's serious."

"shit- okay." he pulled his hand away before sitting up to face you properly. "what's up?"

you took a deep breath before locking eyes with him, they were low and a faint shade of red but still beautiful nonetheless. "the winter formal next weekend.." you paused.

"do you wanna go with me?"

these few seconds felt like the longest few seconds of your life as you waited for his response, his expression hadn't altered so you couldn't exactly tell what he was thinking.

"can't, there's something i have to do on the day."

"oh." was all you could say.


"what're you doing?" you continued.

"it's a private matter." he replied.

you didn't know why but it hurt, how quickly his mood could switch within just a matter of minutes. but if he said it was a private matter then there wasn't much you could do, all you could do was accept that he wasn't gonna be your formal date after all.

"it's okay, i understand."

suna didn't say anything, he instead started the car and lowered the windows to let the excess smoke out. you didn't know what you were expecting but it certainly wasn't this. the drive back was awkwardly silent and now even more than ever you dreaded going to school tomorrow.

because not only had your crush rejected your proposal, but you also had to find another person to go to the winter formal with.

after suna dropped you off you made your way towards the back garden, on school nights when you came home late you often snuck back in to avoid getting questioned by your parents and 9 times out of 10 it worked.

thankfully before you left for school this morning you had stuffed your bed covers with clothes and put a doll's head on the pillow to make it seem like you were asleep, it still surprised you that your parents hadn't caught onto it yet.

and with that you proceeded to put your phone on charge, rid yourself of your clothing and take a quick warm shower so you could go to bed, not before completing one final task however.

you made your way downstairs where your mom was sat in the living room, still watching tv.

"hey mom.."

suna declining your offer wouldn't stop you from going to the formal. if anything, you wanted to go even more now.

"i've made my decision."

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