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➜ shocked wasn't even the word to describe how you were feeling right now, kenma had somehow managed to book dinner for you and him in tokyo's skytree so you could watch the whole city below you as you ate.

the room had been rented for just the two of you, there was even a violinist in the corner which made you wonder how much money kenma had really saved up for this whole occasion.

"i still can't believe you managed to get us dinner here." you said in amazement whilst looking around.

"yeah, i know a few people that helped me rent out the place." he sat forward. "wine?"

you nodded and let him pour into your glass cup, even the food you ate was top tier and you'd be lying if you said you had ever tasted something as good as this before.

"so, kenma." you put the glass down. "i've been thinking, and i was wondering what drew your attention to me in the first place?"

kenma could list a thousand things as to what he liked about you but that would take up too much time so he just chose to keep things simple.

"i had always found you attractive, even as first years back when you went to johzenji high but during that time you had a thing for terushima which explains why i would always see you in the crowd at our practice matches and other volley ball tournaments." he confessed.

"god kenma, it's been two and a half years since then- why didn't you say anything?" you asked.

"i was shy and wanted to give you time to recover." he spoke. "after the break up you seemed to be going through a lot and im not gonna lie, i wanted to fuck up terushima real bad for hurting you like that."

kenma was right, terushima was the first person to have actually broken your heart and was one of the many reasons as to why you had trust issues in men today. it was so bad that you had even lost a few pounds because of your loss in appetite from it.

"i wish i had known earlier, that break up did mess me up to be fair." you sighed.

"yeah, i had planned to confess in my final year of high school but then heard you had a little something going on with suna."

"oh.. yeah." you mumbled. it was more of a situationship than anything, suna had put you through enough and his name was honestly the last thing you wanted to hear.

"he's my dealer, we did get down to a few things but after some thinking i came to the realisation that we weren't compatible after all." you added.

"oh i see." kenma hummed. "so right now you're more or less saying that there's nothing there?"

"yeah, basically."

to be honest right now you didn't know but your mind had told you that this was for the better, suna wasn't good for you and your heart just had to accept that.

"understandable, i guess we all have our reasons."

you agreed and the two of you proceeded to finish off your meals whilst bonding and laughing with each other for the rest of the night. it was crazy to think that just a few words could've changed your life completely.

the total bill was about ¥120,000 and kenma had paid for it all, the events which occurred tonight genuinely felt surreal and you were so thankful for everything he had done for you.

the two of you were now in his car, reminiscing over the last few hours. kenma did say he had something important to ask so you were pretty nervous on what it could be.

"(y/n)." he spoke up.

"yes kenma?"

he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, in it sat a necklace which had the letter 'K' on it.

"since kuroo left, i haven't found anyone who's made me as happy as you do and i mean it when i say i promise to make you the happiest girl in the world.. so will you do me the honours of becoming my girlfriend?"

you were speechless, kenma had been nothing but nice and caring to you since you both started speaking and to be honest just the thought of him alone gave you butterflies. perhaps starting off fresh with someone new was exactly what you needed.

"yes kozume, i would love to be your girlfriend." you grinned.

kenma's expression immediately broke into a smile as he put the necklace around your neck. after years of crushing on you, he had finally gotten what he wanted.

"shit." he sighed in relief. "i cant believe this."

"can't believe what?" you chuckled.

"that i finally get to call you mine." kenma turned to grab the side of your jaw and pulled you in for a kiss, your lips stuck to his almost instantly as the kiss you both shared quickly turned into a make out.

after a few seconds he had no choice but to pull away, kenma knew you were worth a lot more than to be fucked in his car.

"ken, i wanna spend the night at your place." you said.

he let out a small laugh. "don't worry, i was always gonna take you back to my place pretty girl."

you were currently in the bathroom getting changed into the spare clothes kenma had set out for you to wear but little did he know that you had something else up your sleeve.

you had pre-worn a (f/c) lingerie under your dress since you had a feeling things would get dirty tonight. and after learning that suna had fucked clarisse, you were definitely going all out on kenma. you took a deep breath as you stared yourself down in the mirror, your boyfriend really had no idea what was coming.

you left the bathroom and stood in the doorframe, kenma was looking down at his phone but immediately froze upon seeing you.

"hey babe i-" he paused and sat up straight. "fuck."

"you like it?" you smiled, twirling around to show the back.

"like it?" kenma scoffed. "i'll be surprised if you're still walking by the time im done with you, now come here baby." he patted his lap.

a/n : genuine question, do you think (y/n) made the right decision? 🤔

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