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➜ "what!?" you sarcastically yelled whilst quickly putting your clothes back on. "i thought your boss hated you!?" suna was scrambling to grab his stuff too, he didn't know how but he would somehow find a way to get out of here.

"yeah same, it's crazy!" it suddenly fell silent and you could no longer hear her heels clicking against the wooden floor anymore.

you turned to suna who was now hiding behind the curtain, you couldn't help but chuckle at his silly attempt. you dragged him from behind the curtain and led him towards your walk in closet.

"stay here and don't move until i come back, i'll find a way out of this." you whispered.

suna nodded as you left the room, praying that your mother wasn't right outside the door. fortunately when you left she wasn't but there was one thing that caught your eye in particular, she noticed you coming down the stairs and pointed at the ground.

"who's shoes are these?" her brows furrowed.


"dads, they're dads." you replied.

you had completely forgotten that suna had left his shoes downstairs, your mother gave you a weird look but dismissed the whole thing a few seconds later. you let out a sigh in relief as she walked away before quickly grabbing suna's shoes and dashing up the stairs.

you closed the door halfway before approaching the closet. "fucking hell.. you won't believe what just h- what the fuck rin?" you paused.

suna froze upon seeing you and you were shocked at what you saw. to your surprise he was jokingly wearing one of your bras whilst your matching panties sat in his palm, you couldn't believe your eyes right now.

"your panties smells nice." suna smiled.

you immediately snatched it from his hands whilst your cheeks grew warm, though you couldn't help but laugh at how dumb he looked.

"suna you're a fucking pervert." you slapped his chest.

"and you're in love with me." he smirked.

you rolled your eyes whilst half smiling. "you're so-"

before you could say anything else he suddenly grabbed you and put his hand over your mouth, you resisted and struggled at first but stopped upon realising why he had done it.

"(y/n) honey, your school called and-" your mother entered the room and stopped. "(y/n)?"

it suddenly fell silent, you and suna weren't in view at the moment so chances were she hadn't figured that you were in the room yet. you could feel suna's heart beat against your back as he did everything in his power to remain quiet.

a few seconds passed before she left and suna finally let go of you, the two of you exhaled deeply from how long you'd held your breaths. suna took off your bra and looked down at you.

"i need to leave, your moms sudden appearances are scaring the shit out of me." he whispered.

"i know but we just need to wait a little while longer." you quickly tiptoed to grab his shoes and hand them back over to him. "because if we don't, neither one of us are making it out of here alive."

suna sighed before nodding, if he had known that your mother would show up unannounced like this then he would've just had you sneak out so he could fuck you in his car but this.. this was causing him severe heart ache.

there was also something he had to give to you.

"i'll be back." you mouthed to him.

suna waited until he could hear you conversing with your mother downstairs before leaving the closet, from there he reached into his hoodie and placed a small box onto your bed. suna had recalled those past stories of you sneaking back into your home by climbing through the window so he figured that it couldn't be that hard.

he slowly opened the window and looked down, seeing that there was a bush to cushion his fall. he would much rather have to endure a few minor scratches than be caught by your mother, he wouldn't get to see you for a while but hopefully his gift could change that.

"can't believe i'm actually doing this shit." suna mumbled to himself before climbing onto the ledge.

suna heard footsteps and looked back a final time, he winked and you had only managed to catch a glimpse of him before he disappeared. fortunately your mother was a few seconds behind you so she didn't get to see him in time.

"i thought i told you to clean your room? and why the hell is your window opened so wide?" she snapped.

"i just wanted to get some air in." you grinned before heading towards it.

your mother scoffed to herself before turning back. "don't make me have to come back up here to check on it again."

"you got it." you responded as you looked out, seeing suna stood there smiling at you with a thumbs up. it would be some time until you saw him again but you were glad you'd managed to patch things up today.

you blew a kiss as he turned the corner before shutting your window and turning back towards your bed, you were baffled to see a black box sat there and you were almost certain that you hadn't placed it there earlier. nonetheless, you picked it up and opened it.

to your disbelief sat a phone, it didn't look fresh but it was of a new design and you knew suna had placed it there. given how much money he made from selling weed, it came as no surprise seeing that he had more than one phone.

"there's just no way." you whispered to yourself before turning it on.

it rebooted a few seconds later and you swiped up, there weren't too many apps but there was a message displayed on the home screen wallpaper. you figured that this was suna's explanation as to why he had given you the phone in the first place.

I figured there was a reason why you weren't answering my texts, keep this for the meantime and facetime me when you can ;)


- Suna

you smiled to yourself before laying back on your bed, the butterflies in your stomach overcoming you once more.

"fuck.. i really am in love with him."

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