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➜ it was finally the weekend which meant that suna was coming over soon, osamu had spent this past week at your house reflecting on his actions and was finally going back to his place today to apologise to atsumu and nanako.

you just hoped that his apology along with suna's talk with the boys would be enough to at least get them back on talking terms again.

"i'll see you later (y/n), thanks again for letting me stay." osamu hugged you.

"no problem, text me when you get home." you smiled before closing the front door.

you were surprised that your mother was cool with it too, usually she wouldn't allow anyone to stay over for this long but she had a soft spot for samu so it only made sense.

it was still early in the morning and suna wouldn't be coming over until this evening so you thought you could at least be productive until he showed up. and so for the next hour or so you proceeded to clean your room along the rest of the house, there wasn't much to be done but it felt good cleaning either way.

you finally paused to take a break which was when you received a text message from akaashi, this was the first time he'd texted you since you exchanged numbers so you really didn't know what to expect.

Hey, you busy today?

i'm going out with my boyfriend later this evening, why?

Oh, i wanted to see you
Wanna grab brunch later?

sure okay
so long as you drop me home before 6

I'll come pick you up at 2

you smiled to yourself, coming to the realisation that you'd get to catch up with him again. though, you knew akaashi had always been punctual so you had no worries on whether you'd make it back on time.

"hey." akaashi smiled as you locked the front door. "you ready to go?"

"you bet." you beamed as you zipped up your jacket, beginning to walk towards his car.

"how comes you didn't work today?" you questioned.

"i asked for the weekend off, finals are coming up soon and i've been meaning to take a break.. what about you?" akaashi asked.

"my boyfriend is coming over to town today so we figured it'd be the best time to meet up."

"oh he's coming to town." he hummed whilst starting the car. "is it a long distance relationship then?"

"well not exactly, we used to go to the same school until he had to move a few weeks ago because of circumstances."

"makes sense." he nodded. "i guess you found yourself a good one then huh? not many people our age are loyal when it comes to long distance relationships anymore."

"yeah i guess, but what me and him have is different."

"i figured." he agreed.

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