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(sunday evening)

➜ after a week full of what felt like nothing but blessings, it was finally time to conclude it with the 'talk' akaashi had asked to see you for. he'd asked to meet you and suna at a diner quite far from where you were currently staying at right now.

given that it was at a public place you couldn't help but wonder if he really had changed or not.

"you ready?" suna asked you before reaching to put his jacket on, it was abnormally cold tonight.

"yeah, how far is the diner from here?" you asked.

"it's about a 45 minute drive." he replied. "we'll be on the road for quite a while."

you let out a sigh. "what the hell does he want from us?"

"regardless of what he wants just know that i'll be right by your side protecting you, no way is he getting past me." suna reassured you.

"thanks baby but i'm sure we'll be fine, surely he won't try anything with people around."

"even so, we shouldn't let our guard down." he looked at the time on his phone, seeing it read 6:25 pm. "let's leave now, that way we can get there just before 7:30."

with that the two of you left your apartment, suna's arm was around you the whole time just until you got down to the car. he started it up and you both began to make your way, it had started to rain on your way there but thankfully your jackets had hoods on them.

you just hoped that this change of weather wasn't foreshadowing anything bad.

"and i'm genuinely sorry for any hardship that i've caused you both in the past." he pleaded, bowing his head down.

you and suna just stared at him, almost confused by akaashi's sudden change of heart. he was wearing a suit, which shocked you for one and he'd even gone as far as ordering you two food that neither you or suna had barely touched.

you wouldn't forgive him, as much as he'd done eveything this evening it was still no excuse for what he did in the past and you also knew that no matter what he said suna would never forgive him for that on your part.

"so what do you say we start off fresh hm? the three of us." he continued.

you took a deep breath before sighing. "i won't exactly say that i forgive you but i can agree that we're no longer rivals." you replied.

akaashi's eyes practically lit up at your words but they quickly faded the moment he looked at suna, your boyfriend wasn't buying it at all and was sat there with his arms crossed the whole time. akaashi already knew what his answer would be when he asked.

"and you suna? i know we were never the best of friends but i'm tryna change for the better."

"nah i'm good." he replied before getting up. "is that all you had to say? cause it's getting late and i've got work tomorrow."

"uh yeah, that's all.. if you feel like leaving now it's fine. i've said all i needed to say." he replied.

"great, we'll be taking our leave then." your boyfriend said and you quickly went after him before stopping to turn a final time.

"thanks for the meal, good bye akaashi." you mouthed.

he gave you a nod and that was the last time you saw him before hurrying off after your boyfriend who was already outside on his way to the car.

"don't you think you were a little harsh on him?" you said, half yelling over the sound of rainfall.

"nah he deserves it, i have no reason to be nice to him." suna replied. "no amount of time will ever make me forgive him for all that he's done."

all you could do was shrug, once suna's mind was set on something there was no use in trying to convince him. especially when it came down to the man he hated most. you were so caught up in trying to chase after suna that you hadn't even thought of going to the restroom.

"hey rin, i'll be right back." you quickly said before turning to go back inside. "i'm just gonna use the bathroom real quick."

"sure babe, i'll be waiting in the car." he gave you a faint smile.

when you got back in you noticed that akaashi was now on the phone and stood looking out the window by the entrance, you couldn't help but wonder who he was talking to but ignored it nonetheless.

by the time you were done in the restroom however you felt the ground shake slightly, followed by some screams in the main dining room. after washing your hands you quickly rushed outside only to see a mushroom of flames overcoming the air across the parking lot.

there was yelling all throughout the diner so you could barely concentrate, regardless you'd have to make your way outside to get back to suna anyways and it only took you a few seconds to realise that the ball of flames in the distance was indeed suna's car.

your adrenaline instantly kicked in and blood went rushing throughout the veins in your body, praying that the explosion had gone off just before suna made it in but you couldn't see him. the horns of the cars in the nearby area began to ring and it wasn't long before a crowd of people had formed, surrounding the car from a distance.

the severity of the fire was evident the moment you felt a wave of heat hit you, causing you to shield your face despite the coolness of the rain splashing against your cheeks.

"there was a man in there! get him out!" a pedestrian yelled.

your heart was beating faster than it ever had before as you barged past the pedestrians, screaming out suna's name hoping that he'd come rushing to your arms and tell you that everything would be ok but he didn't come.

you felt incredibly guilty for leaving him just now, this was without a doubt the work of akaashi. this 'talk' had been a set up all long just to get suna exactly where he wanted.

it all happened so quickly, everything you'd worked so hard for up until this point had been a complete waste.

and before you knew it you were on your knees, weeping over the evident death of the only true love you'd ever known.

"(y/n)." you suddenly heard a voice call out.

it was all over.


no, the voice is not suna 🙁

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