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➜ "why?" you asked, furrowing your brows in confusion.

"he's just a really fucked up guy, i'm not gonna say too much since i don't wanna waste anymore time but trust me when i say it's for the best."

you looked up at suna for a moment, ticked off by his words. the akaashi you knew was nothing like the one he was describing right now and suna being your boyfriend wouldn't change the fact that this wasn't okay.

"you can't just expect me to stop talking to someone that i've known for so long rin, until you give me a valid reason then i'll do whatever the hell i want."

suna sighed, he should've expected you'd give a response like this.

"look- i'm not saying this because i'm insecure or some shit, i know i'm sexy. i'm genuinely just saying he's done some pretty fucked up shit."

"so tell me what he's done." you retorted.

suna hesitated for a moment, as if contemplating on whether to tell you the whole story or not. it had something to do with his ex so he didn't wanna invalidate your feelings or anything. in the end suna figured it would be best to just tell you brief details.

"my ex." suna paused. "he leaked my ex's nudes and explicit videos out of pure spite."

"what the fuck?" you gawked. "are you sure akaashi really did that?"

"yeah, it pisses me off knowing that someone else is behind bars because of the shit he pulled off."

"wait what?" you paused. "someone else got arrested for what he did?"

"well yeah, they put some random behind bars since police apparently didn't have enough evidence to prove that akaashi was the one who did it." he paused. "plus, child pornography and revenge porn is against the law."

"oh my gosh.. i had no idea." you mumbled.

"fucked up i know." suna said. "now do you understand why i don't want you being associated with him anymore?"

"yeah.. i just can't believe it." you replied, still in shock. "akaashi?"

"people change (y/n)." suna threw his hand around your shoulder. "not everyone is who they make themselves out to be."

"oh yeah." you scoffed. "i definitely know that."

"good, now let's enjoy the rest of our evening with the time we've got left."

"the movie wasn't even scary." you rolled your eyes.

"wasn't scary yet you clung onto me the entire two hours." suna scoffed.

"that doesn't mean anything.. i was cold." you lied.

"cold you say hm?" suna smirked. "want me to warm you up?"

your cheeks grew warm as you nudged him, though you wouldn't mind. to be honest having to masturbate to suna's explicit videos and photos had started to drain you, it was about time he fucked you stupid again.

"we can have a quickie later." you pulled suna along with you before rubbing your stomach. "i'm starving right now."

and so, you and suna proceeded to find a local restaurant to eat at. for whatever reason he was being really picky on where to eat at but you just let him do his thing. eventually he found exactly what he was looking for and the two of you made your way inside.

"if you could please follow me." the waiter instructed, escorting you both to a table.

"talk about upper class." you gawked whilst looking around, seeing the various fancy looking people situated in the lower area.

"i'll always go all out for you pretty girl." suna smiled before taking your hand.

the waiter eventually led you to a table in the corner of the room, it had a flower pot in the middle of it red draped cloth which fell all the way to the floor. suna pulled out your chair to sit first before taking a seat himself.

"so," he cleared his throat. "what were you and akaashi up to earlier?"

"he wanted to get brunch so i went along with him." you replied.

"oh, is that it?"

"well yeah, what? did you think we hooked up or something?" you joked.

"if you did, i'd get arrested for homicide." suna calmly said which made your eyes widen.

what made it more scarier was that you knew he wasn't joking either, you could tell suna really despised akaashi more than anyone.

"fucking hell rin." you rolled your eyes whilst half laughing. "learn to take a joke."

"nothing is funny when it comes to that man- but anyway, i had my talk with the twins today."

"really? how did it go?"

"they resisted at first and i'm not gonna lie, it was a struggle but eventually osamu apologised and they made some progress." suna spoke.

"oh that's good to hear." you sighed in relief, realising that osamu really had stuck to his word.

"yeah, i do feel for nanako though- it's not fair that she's stuck between the two of them like this." he added.

"mhm, and i'd hate for this to be the reason why her and tsumu broke up.. they seemed to be doing so well together."

"i agree but then again, we never know what goes on behind closed doors."

"true, with school and this whole situation everything's just been real stressful recently." you mumbled.

"it'll get better-" suna paused upon realising he had accidentally knocked the knife under the table. "shit.. better get that."

and so suna made his way under, you thought nothing too out of the ordinary about him being there until you felt his hand rest on your thighs. you gasped on instinct before clasping your mouth causing suna to laugh at your reaction.

"rin!" you whisper shouted. "there's people around.."

"so?" he chuckled. "we can put on a show for them."

your heart beat increased the moment he spread your legs and moved your panties to the side. you knew you wouldn't be able to contain yourself so the moment suna began to rub your clit, you had no choice but to grip the table cloth as hard as you could.

it was gonna be a long night.

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