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(one week later)

➜ it was now the evening of the formal and you had never been so stressed in your life, things were going to plan at first until your makeup artist had to cancel just two hours before she was supposed to show up.

your mother had attempted to get someone else last minute but everyone was fully booked, you weren't too bothered about it of course but your mom on the other hand was going crazy and if she was in a bad mood then so was everyone else.

"what do you mean no one's available? you're a fucking makeup agency for christ's sake- just send a face painter for all i care!" she yelled at the phone.

you'd be lying if you said seeing her in this state didn't scare you just a little bit. things fell silent for a moment until the bell rang, your heart sank as you feared for the worse. your mother walked towards the door and unlocked it.

"what is it?" she asked, an annoyed tone behind her voice.

"ah mrs (l/n), sorry if i came at a bad time." she bowed. "but i'm here for (y/n)." nanako said.

you'd asked her to come over and take a few professional photos of you in your formal dress since her family owned a photography company, it only made sense especially because she'd offered to do it free of charge.

"sorry but you'll have to come back another time, we're in the middle of something right now." she quickly slammed the door shut before nanako could say anything else.

"mom what the fuck!?" you stood to your feet, emerging from the family room after hearing the whole conversation unfold. "she's my friend from school and is here to take pictures.. what is wrong with you?"

you walked past her before opening the front and welcoming nanako in for yourself, the poor girl looked terrified and you were almost certain she'd never show up to your house again because of what just happened.

"i'm sorry about my mother." you said whilst leading her to your room upstairs. "things just aren't going as planned today."

"yeah i can tell.. but it's okay, you look great by the way." she complimented you.

"thanks love." you sighed as you sat onto your bed. "my makeup artist cancelled not too long ago which is why she's pissed."

"what the hell- is there a replacement coming over?"

"nope, and i'm supposed to be leaving in half an hour."

as you took in the reality of the situation you were surprised to see nanako making her way towards your dresser where all your makeup was already laid out, you were confused as to what she was trying to do.

"nanako.. what're you-"

"take a seat." she pointed at the chair. "my older sister used to teach me how to do makeup in the 9th grade, it may not be the best but it's better than nothing."

you had never been more grateful to have nanako as a friend, and so you took her word and sat in the chair, watching as she set the correct foundation out to match your skin tone. over those next 20 minutes she had managed to apply your lashes, perfectly blend the foundation and eye shadow against your skin, complete your highlights and fill in your brows.

"okay." she stood back. "you can open your eyes now."

you did as she said and practically couldn't even recognise yourself in the mirror, you were pretty sure nanako had done a better job than the makeup artist ever could've done herself.

"oh my god." you stared. nanako chuckled at your reaction, it had been years since she'd done a full face so even she was surprised at how well it came out.

"thank you so much i love it, how much should i pay you?" you reached into your purse.

"no- no it's fine, friends help each other out right?" she beamed.

you instantly stood to your feet and gave her a big hug, leaving her groaning from how tight it was. she had done more for you within the time span of two weeks than rinko and miyu had ever done combined, it still baffled you as to why they didn't like her.

"yeah you're right, i'll still have to pay you back somehow though." you smiled.

"don't worry about it (y/n), now hurry up and put your shoes on- atsumu should be arriving shortly no?"

you raised a brow. "how did you know i was going with tsumu?"

"he was telling me about the whole thing on facetime yesterday- he didn't want me to get the wrong idea and explained that you two were just going as friends though i don't really mind, i always knew it was never like that to begin with." nanako said.

you sighed in relief, the last thing you wanted was nanako getting the wrong idea. you were glad to hear that they were speaking more though, it was obvious that atsumu was interested in her and you were just waiting for nanako to pick up on it.

"you guys are cute but yes don't worry, atsumu is more like a brother to me- trust me when i say we would be the least compatible people in the world." you joked.

"oh i can tell." she laughed. "he's a nice guy though, i'm finally starting to open up to him a little."

"that makes me so happy, you two better get ma-"

you were both interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing downstairs, there was no doubt that atsumu was here and it was finally time to take your pictures and leave. you grabbed your heels and quickly made your way downstairs, with nanako tagging along behind you.

you opened the door and there the yellow haired setter stood, leaning to the side with a lazy smirk on his face whilst a rose sat between his teeth. his eyes widened upon seeing you glamoured up, not even atsumu had ever seen you like this before.

he took the rose out of his mouth before speaking. "fuck- you look amazing (y/n)." he hugged you.

"thank you handsome, you look great too." you pulled away and took the rose from his hand. "you ready for tonight?"

"mhm." atsumu took a step inside and walked past you, throwing his arm around nanako's waist to pull her close. "now what's my girl doing in your home?" he cockily said and raised a brow at you.

"don't tell me you two had fun without m-"

nanako grabbed his lips. "shut the hell up and let's get going, these pictures aren't gonna take themselves." she said dragging him outside.

"jheeze i was just kidding." he rubbed the back of his head. "or not."

you enjoyed seeing them bond like this, it almost reminded you of you and suna. although you'd try your best to have fun tonight, your thoughts would still always be on him, wondering what the hell he was doing right now.

"please don't let me down rin."

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