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➜ it was now the monday of suna's last week at inarizaki high, he broke the news to the twins and nanako shortly after you both woke up yesterday morning and they were just as devastated as you were.

there was no doubt that school wouldn't be the same without him but on the bright side you would all be graduating soon. the news was sad yes but you also had to remember that suna would be much safer where he was moving, even if it did mean that you wouldn't get to see him everyday.

it was now after school and you were with nanako since inarizaki had a final match against nekoma, unfortunately for you though this meant you would have to see kenma again.

suna had prevented you from meeting up with him since he feared for your safety, and to be honest you didn't blame him. you didn't care whether you became friends with kenma or not after the whole incident but you just wanted to understand why he did it.

and that's exactly what you were gonna find out.

"are you still gonna talk to kenma today?" nanako spoke up, noticing that nekoma had walked in already.

"yeah, i never really got the chance to after things ended the way they did." you replied.

you watched as kenma walked in last, trailing behind his team mates. he looked incredibly uncomfortable considering he was in the same room as his now ex girlfriend and enemies, after all he had no one to blame but himself.

"okay, just make sure not to fall for whatever crap he says- you know you can't trust him anymore." she said.

"yeah don't worry, i won't." you nodded as you watched him begin to warm up alongside the others.

it wasn't long before you made eye contact with him. kenma looked away, it almost pissed you off how quick he was to act like you didn't exist anymore. all now and he hadn't even made an effort to contact or apologise to you.

your gaze quickly fell onto suna who was staring at you also, his expression was stern and shortly after he gestured for you to come towards him.

"i'll be back." you stood to your feet and told nanako.

you approached suna who pulled you into a hug before kissing your forehead. "you okay?"

"yeah." you nodded. "just thinking of what i'm gonna say to kenma after the match is over."

suna gave you a weird look. "are you sure that's a good idea (y/n)?"

"yes rin, i've thought long and hard and i think it's the right thing to do- that way we can end things officially." you replied.

"alright well, as long as you're happy."

"how are you feeling though?" you changed the topic. "are you sure it's okay for you to be playing like this?"

"yes baby, i promise that i'm fine." suna gave you a lazy smirk.

"okay good, just checking." you smiled back at him. "good luck, take it home for the final time today rin!"

"you already know we will." he patted your lower back. however just as you were about to walk away you were pulled back, the rest of the team stopped and looked as suna held you close.

he stared into your eyes for a little while before finally speaking. "give me a kiss."

you playfully rolled your eyes before doing so, leaning up to him so your lips could connect to his. suna kissed you back and pulled away after a few seconds, anyhow he kept going then fucking you senseless would be all he would think about the whole game.

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