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➜ "just make sure you're not out too late!" your mother yelled as you reached to open the front door, it was currently the friday evening of your first week back and both you and suna had agreed to go bowling as a way of celebrating.

deep down the two of you knew that you just wanted to spend time with one another and that was it, you didn't really care what you did so long as he was by your side the entire time.

"don't worry, i will!" you replied.

you could see suna's car in the distance which made you smile to yourself. suna was stood outside the car looking down at his phone, you zipped up your jacket before making your way towards him. he looked up and held hims arms out upon seeing you approach him.

"hey cutie." he kissed your forehead as he hugged you. "you look good."

"thanks rin, if we weren't in a rush right now then i would've given you the sloppiest head." you replied, grinning at him.

suna smirked to himself, he then friskily squeezed your ass through your miniskirt before looking down at you. even if you weren't in a rush you couldn't have done anything because of who had come along with him.

"there's always time for a quickie but just not today, my mom insisted i bring clarisse along with us so she could 'get to know the city' more."

you pulled away from suna and it was then that you saw her, phone in her hand as she sat in the front seat. just seeing her where you were supposed to be sat pissed you off, she hadn't even bothered to greet you.

"no offence, but what the fuck rin?" you crossed your arms and glared at clarisse through the window. "i thought this was supposed to be our date?"

"i know.. i know but my mom wouldn't let up, if i had known that she'd do this then i wouldn't have told her that i was going bowling with you in the first place." he told you.

you let out a large sigh before rolling your eyes, you were so close to just turning back and going home but you were the one who had paid for the bowling tickets and you didn't want any of your time spent with suna to go to waste.

"fine, i guess we could make things work." you mumbled before making your way to the other side of the car.

"tell her to move though, she's sitting in my seat." you added.

"(y/n) wait-" suna quickly said. "don't start anything, you can sit in the front on the ride back- i don't want her thinking you have anything against her."

too bad, you already did.

"okay just this once, but don't expect me to interact with her." you said before entering in the back.

you got in and so did suna, clarisse looked up from her phone and took out her airpods upon seeing the door open and close. she obviously hadn't heard the conversation you'd had with suna outside just now.

"oh (y/n), salut! i didn't realise you'd gotten in- how are you?" she turned back and smiled.

"absolutely great." you said through gritted teeth, thankfully the lights in the car were dimmed so to her it just looked like you were smiling.

"that's good, i'm so glad that you didn't mind me coming today- this is my first time minus school actually going out in tokyo you see?" she continued.

suna started the car and proceeded his drive towards the bowling alley whilst clarisse babbled on. you laid your head against the fogged up window and closed your eyes, hoping that this whole outing would just come to an end already.

"strike! yes!" clarisse rejoiced and threw her hands up in the air to celebrate.

you rolled your eyes and sarcastically clapped, at this point it wasn't even a date anymore. suna and clarisse were neck in neck with their scores and you on the other hand had just given up, it was clear that the two of them were doing perfectly fine without you.

suna got up to bowl next. "good job clarisse but i'll have you know that i'm the winner of tonight's game." he said before bowling the ball.

and just like that, he too had gotten a strike and thus won the whole game.

you also clapped for suna as he playfully pulled faces at clarisse, causing her to charge after him and throw fake punches to his stomach. just seeing the two of them get along like this made you sick, it had only been five days.

you didn't know how much longer you could watch the two of them bond like this.

"i'm gonna use the restroom." clarisse said before making her way.

suna gave a thumbs up before walking to where you were sat, standing in front of you. you looked up at him and then back down at your phone, obviously not interested in his stupid victory after witnessing the way he'd acted with clarisse tonight. he never usually let anyone touch him unless it was you or the twins.

"aren't you gonna congratulate me?" he spoke up.

"already did." you replied bluntly.

suna sighed before sitting beside you, he didn't look at you but said whatever he had to say nonetheless. "look, i get tonight didn't go as planned but you're not even trying to enjoy it which is starting to piss me off."

you certainly weren't about to put up with his bull shit today.

"you're starting to get pissed off?" you scoffed. "i've been pissed off this whole time because i'm the whole reason why we're here suna, i made it clear that i didn't want clarisse here from the beginning ."

"yea i get that, but she hasn't done anything except be herself- if i knew you were gonna act like this then i wouldn't have stopped by to pick you up in the first place." he snapped.

"then i'll go home." you immediately stood to your feet and grabbed your stuff. "you two have your fun because i'm not about to sit here and act like everything's okay when it clearly isn't."

clarisse wasn't in view right now but you wasn't gonna say bye to her either way, you had even booked for you and suna to go to a restaurant after this but not anymore.

you were sick of the way he was acting tonight.

"goodbye rin."

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