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clarisse's pov

➜ you were currently out shopping after school with miyu and rinko and for whatever reason you couldn't stop thinking about the comment suna had made earlier. sure it wasn't directed at you specifically but it made you feel a type of way that you hadn't felt in a while and you couldn't understand why.

it was nearing 9pm so you knew you had to get home soon since you'd informed suna's mother that you wouldn't be out too late. the three of you were only out shopping for lingeries because rinko was throwing a slumber party tomorrow, with oikawa and iwaizumi invited.

"you've been quiet." miyu spoke up, noticing that you'd been spacing out in the mirror for quite some time now. "is everything okay?"

"oh- yeah.. i'm fine." you smiled. "just tired."

it fell silent again, rinko was currently in the changing room so it was just you and miyu for the moment. it hadn't been long since you became friends with the pair so you often found situations like these pretty awkward.

"so how're you finding suna's place? not even i know much about him so i'm intrigued as to why you chose him to be your host family." the darkskin added.

"it's going well, i don't think his little sister likes me too much though." you chuckled. "and i chose him because believe it or not, but he actually reminds me of someone i know."

your ex, suna reminded you a lot of your ex. the two of you unfortunately parted ways not too long ago because of a few personal issues on his side so you found it comforting to be around someone similar to him looks wise.

"aw that's cute, his sister will warm up to you sooner or later." miyu beamed. "the two of you would make a good couple."

"what?" you laughed. "no, he's a nice person but seems pretty closed off as far as i know."

"that's just how suna is, from what i've seen and heard he never really expresses his emotions but it's worth a shot- the two of you literally live under the same roof now."

you thought to yourself for a moment, you would only be here six months and it would be a complete waste for you not to make the most of them. maybe making a move on suna wouldn't be too much of a bad idea after all.

"i'll think about it." you replied.

you weren't really the type to plan your next move and were more of an in the moment type of person so there was no telling what would really happen. however, you did notice that he seemed to have a thing for (y/n).

you didn't care for her feelings after noticing the way she treated you and seeing how she viscously attempted to attack rinko in the cafeteria for no apparent reason. suna also hadn't told you about anything going on between him and her, so for the time being you would just act as you usually would.

at the end of the day, you only live once.

"are you guys ready?" rinko asked, picking up her shopping bag as she emerged from the changing room curtains.

"mhm." you nodded. "let's get going now."

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