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atsumu's pov

➜ it had been days since you'd spoken to nanako, not only had she been suspended for 2 weeks but she had also been ignoring your messages. you had a feeling something was up but you couldn't tell exactly what it was.

"i'm gonna visit nanako after school today." you told suna and samu.

"hm? why?" your brother asked.

"something seems off.. she's been avoiding me."

"honestly bro just go for it, i saw (y/n) the other day and haven't been the same since." suna smiled to himself as he patted your shoulder.

"yeah we figured- it's crazy what love does to you." samu scoffed.

"what do you mean?" he asked.

"you've been day dreaming and shit a lot more in class, what? did she cast a spell on you or something?"

"nah, it's just what good pussy does to you." suna confessed.

"he's got a point." you agreed.

"what the hell do you know? last time i checked you were still a virgin." samu crossed his arms and raised a brow.

"shut the fuck up, you don't know me."

"we're twins and live under the same roof, don't be fucking stupid." he rolled his eyes.

you were about to slap him but suna grabbed your arm and threw it over his shoulder. "listen." he paused. "go see her, you'll feel a lot better once you do and get things off your chest."

"mm i guess you're right, i'll head to her place as soon as i hear that bell ring." you nodded.

"yes?" a girl answered the door, she looked a lot like nanako but just a little older.

"hey, i'm here to see nanako.. i'm a friend of hers from school." you told her.

the girl looked you up and down before taking off her glasses to observe you properly, from there she used her shirt to rub them before speaking again. "i'm sorry but nanako doesn't have any male friends, and even if she did i'd never let a single one of them ent-"

"it's fine sis, let me deal with it."

the girl turned as nanako came and stood beside her, she was wearing crocs along with shorts and a hoodie. she looked beautiful either way but something looked to be bothering her, she wasn't the bright and radiant girl that she usually was.

"you sure?" nanako's sister asked.

"yeah, i'll deal with it." she said.

"if you say so." the girl shrugged before retreating back into the house, she had shut the door and right now it was just you and nanako outside on the front porch.

"what is it?" nanako asked, her question came out as harsh and you couldn't help but feel a type of way about her tone of voice.

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