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warning : sexual content

➜ "fuck! suna.." you gasped as you attempted to move his head away but he wouldn't budge, you couldn't believe he was eating you out in the middle of a restaurant right now.

thankfully no one had noticed anything too out of the ordinary but that was all about to change the moment you saw the waiter walking towards you.

"ma'am are you ready to o- are you alright?" they asked, noticing how light headed you looked.

"y-yeah, i'm fine." you replied, flashing a faint smile.

you weren't. suna was literally fingering you whilst sucking on your clit at the same time right now and given how into it he was, it was becoming almost impossible for you not to moan out loud.

"alright then, i'll be taking your order now."


you hadn't even taken the time to look at the menu, this only meant the waiter would be here longer and your incoming orgasm was only drawing closer.

"uh-" you picked up the menu, reading the first thing you saw. you were starving so you figured getting a platta for you and suna alongside your main course would be the best option. "i'll get the chicken alfredo for two.. along with a t-tokyo platta please."

"the portion sizes are quite large ma'am, are you sure you're willing to order that much for just yourself?" the waiter asked.

"oh i'm not alone- my boyfriends just in the restroom.. right now." you replied.

"ah i see." the waiter smiled. "your food will be arriving shortly then."

you nodded and the moment they turned their back your toes curled and eyes rolled to the back as you came on suna's tongue. you couldn't help but slouch forward slightly from how good it felt and based on the way your legs were trembling, suna knew he had done a good job.

he let you ride out your high for a few more seconds before emerging from beneath the table, knife in hand.

"god i couldn't find that knife anywhere." he grinned before locking eyes with you.

your heart was still beating quickly from how intense your high was, something about having other people no more than 5 meters away from you made the whole experience a lot better.

"fuck you rin." you mumbled.

"huh? what did i do?" suna chuckled, sucking the tips of his index and middle finger. "you taste good by the way."

you felt your cheeks grow warm as you rolled your eyes at him, little did you know though this night was far from over.

"a 'thank you for ordering my food' would be nice." you sarcastically said.

suna hummed to himself for a second before replying. "thanks for cumming in my mouth baby, you did good." he smiled.

you couldn't help but laugh, you had come to the conclusion that once suna was horny there was simply just no turning back.

"gosh suna, have some decorum."

"i'm playing." he retorted and cleared his throat. "thanks for ordering our food, my love."

you immediately grinned at that sentence. it had been forever since he called you that and you had to admit, of all the pet names suna had for you that would always be your favourite.

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