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(5 years later at the ariake arena)

➜ "mommy look!" your daughter pointed at the japanese men's national volleyball team members walking across the court. "it's daddy and uncle tsumu!" natsumi beamed.

she really couldn't contain herself when it came to watching suna on the court, she was only 5 years old yet looked up to her father so much. natsumi was a perfect mix of the two of you, she had suna's sage green eyes and petite nose alongside your hair texture and soft (s/c) skin.

she had even told you that she wanted to join the national women's volleyball team when she was older despite not having much of an understanding of the sport right now and that was all because of suna.

your now husband's income from his volleyball career meant that you didn't have to work, and given that you were now 2 months pregnant with his second child you couldn't have asked for anything better.

"yes my love." you smiled. "they just won the match."

one thing about natsumi was that she was an incredibly outgoing little girl so the moment suna made eye contact with you both, you knew it was over. she immediately got up from her front row seat and ran across the court towards suna who's arms were wide open, waiting to hug and spin her around in the air.

"hey baby." suna smiled as she giggled in his arms before kissing her forehead and placing her down. "i missed you."

"you were so cool on the court today daddy! the way you hit the ball was so awesome!" natsumi excitedly said, clenching her fists in exhilaration.

suna chuckled and patted her head. "thanks natsu, one day you'll be up here playing on this very court too."


"if it isn't my favourite nephew, hey kiddo!" atsumu appeared from behind suna, holding his hands up to give natsumi a high five.

she wasted no time slapping both of his hands and that's when you came along, giving suna a quick peck before looking up into his eyes.

"you played good today rin, takes me right back to our high school days." you said.

"i do it for you and natsumi." he grinned. "don't think i couldn't hear you guys screaming from the sidelines whenever i earned us a point."

"as we should." you playfully hit his shoulder. "we're your biggest advocates, i hope you know that."

"yeah and you always have been." suna laughed. "my favourite girls and biggest supporters."

the buzzer went off shortly after, signalling that it was time for the boys to head off to the locker rooms. you and natsumi said your goodbyes to suna and atsumu before leaving the arena and making your way home.

it was now later on into the evening. suna was home, the both of you had eaten dinner by now and natsumi was fast asleep upstairs. he was sat upright whilst your head rested in his lap, the two of you scrolling through your phones with the only sound being the background noise of the television.

suna suddenly put his phone down which caught your attention. "hey (y/n), could i ask you something."

"yeah." you sat up and looked at him. "what's up?"

"have you ever thought of the butterfly effect?" he spoke.

"no, not really." you paused. "why?"

"no reason, i was just wondering how different things would be if i'd just confessed my feelings the first time we smoked together back in high school."

you thought to yourself for a moment, so many inconveniences could've been prevented if suna had just told you one sentence but you were lowkey glad that he didn't. looking back, your high school years were one hell of a roller coaster.

"now that you mention it, yeah. but i have a feeling our relationship wouldn't be as strong if things were just smooth sailing." you replied.

"hm i guess you're right, but either way i'm glad i waited." suna said.

"and why is that?"

"because if i hadn't, you wouldn't be sat beside me with my baby in your stomach right now." he cockily replied.

you rolled your eyes. "i'll get an abortion right now, don't play with me rin."

"you wouldn't." he laughed before pulling you into his chest once more. "because we're locked in, whether you like it or not."

"now that's one thing i can agree on."


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