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➜ by the time osamu had found you two, the party was basically over. atsumu and nanako were still missing and this whole time osamu had thought that they were with you and suna. perhaps they had just left early but it was still unlikely for them to not say anything.

"thanks again for letting us out, for a moment i thought we were goners." you told samu.

"no problem, i'm guessing you both had fun bonding in there."

you and suna looked at each other before smiling and looking away, deep down you were glad to have finally patched things up with him but you unfortunately had another thing ahead of you.

it was time for your talk with kenma.

"yeah, we talked things out and chilled for a bit.. you know the usual?" suna said.

"mhm." samu nodded.

"i'll be right back, i'm gonna go find kenma real quick." you told the both of them before leaving.

your heart rate picked up the moment you spotted him on the front porch on his phone, you took a deep breath before proceeding to walk towards him. his expression looked neutral and he instantly put his phone away upon seeing you.

"hey ken.."

"we need to talk." you both said in unison

you both stared at each other in confusion, wondering what the hell you both had to say but you decided to hear kenma out first. it would be better that way and surely whatever he had to say couldn't be too serious.

"what is it?" you spoke up.

"can we go somewhere else? i'd rather not say it with everyone still lurking around."

"sure." you followed his lead.

tanakas home was already in the suburbs so it didn't really surprise you when kenma took you a wooded area, you had now figured that whatever he had to say must've been serious if he had chosen to take you out this far.

"what is it you wanted to speak to me about?"

kenma looked you in the eyes and took a deep breath, it almost looked like he was about to cry until he pulled you into a hug and embraced you tightly.

"(y/n).. i love you so fucking much." he said into your ear, he caressed your hands for a few seconds and held them behind your back.

"kenma.. i love you t-"

your sentence was cut short the moment the sound of a lock was heard from behind and before you knew it, your hands had been cuffed together. you backed away and looked up at him.

"hey.. what're you doing?"

"i'm sorry (y/n)." he mouthed. you instantly turned around and to your demise stood clarisse, arms crossed with a knife in her hand.

"surprise bitch." she grinned.

"what the fuck is all this?" you asked, quickly backing away.

"kenma, you know what to do." clarisse said.

kenma pulled out his phone and started to dial a number. rinko came up from behind you and held the knife to your throat to keep you quiet as the phone rang. kenma put the phone on speaker as suna answered.

"who's this?" suna asked.

"it's kenma, (y/n)'s been taken by rinko, miyu and clarisse from your school and they're in the woods nearby- come quick."

"she's what?"

"there's no time to explain, please- just hurry up."

there was a short pause. "i'm on my way." was all he said before ending it.

you broke from clarisse's grip the moment the call ended and backed away. all the trust you had built up with kenma these past few weeks had instantly diminished in the blink of an eye, you knew it was just too good to be true.

"why're you doing this kenma?" you whimpered. "i trusted you but turns out you've been working with them behind my back."

"i refused at first but they black mailed me.. they already killed my cat but don't worry you'll be safe, they just wanted to lure suna out here and-"

"this fucker won't shut the hell up!" you heard miyu's voice yell at the trunk of the van before she kicked whatever was inside, your heart dropped the moment you saw nanako fighting to get up at the back of it.

this was where she had been this whole time.

"nanako!" you yelled and were about to run towards her but were stopped the moment you heard the sound of a gun shoot into the trees.

"you might wanna stay quiet baby, before pretty boy kenma here gets shot next." terushima spoke, emerging from the darkness.

behind him stood a few other johzenji members that you knew from back in your first year. all you could do was stay quiet until suna showed up, to which he finally did a few minutes later. but by the time you could warn him, it was already too late.

suna was immediately jumped the moment he had stepped deep enough into the woods. all you could do was stand there and watch, whimpering as they continued to punch and trample on him profusely.

"stop!" you yelled out but it was no use, he was practically unconscious by the time they were done with him.

tears immediately streamed down your cheeks, kenma attempted to console you but you pushed him away. the whole reason why this was even happening right now was because of him.

"you said you only wanted suna and he's here now, so let (y/n) go." kenma demanded.

"oh kenma babe." rinko chuckled. "how dumb could one be?"

"if you don't i'll call the cops, she's the only one i care about here." he spat.

"no you won't." terushima punched him from behind, sending him tumbling to the ground. "because if you do, your mom goes next so you better keep quiet."

kenma held his hip in pain as terushima picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, your vision was blurry because of your tears but you did manage to make out atsumu who was also knocked out in the boot of the van next to you.

other than osamu, all your friends were in danger right now and it was all your fault. this was honestly the last thing you would've expected to happen tonight.

"make sure to tie them up, i refuse to let any of them go before i'm done with them." rinko smirked.

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