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➜ "are you deaf or something?" rinko spoke up, adjusting her phone camera. "he gave you a command so get to fucking work."

there was no way they were being serious now, you would much rather oblige to a simple kiss than be publicly humiliated in front of everyone here. you looked up at yuji with pleading eyes before shaking your head, what you were about to do next was risky but it would most likely be the only shot you had at escaping.

"i'll kiss you." you mumbled.

"that's my girl, i was starting to get impatient." he cleared his throat before crouching down.

your wrists were still aching from how tightly they'd tied the ropes but for the sake of your friends, you would have to endure the pain. the gun was still in terushima's hand and that's all you needed as an indication.

you sat up straight and leant in towards him, yuji grabbed the side of your jaw and just when your lips were about to touch, you punched him in the face. the gun fell from yuji's hand as he groaned in pain, you instantly went after it but were stopped the moment he grabbed onto your ankle.

"you fucking bitch." he growled, pulling you back.

you reached for the gun in front of you and thankfully managed to grab it before terushima could pull you towards him completely. you wasted no time shooting it up into the air which forced everyone to back away.

"stay back!" you yelled. "or i will shoot!"

miyu, rinko and clarisse seemed to understand the assignment but terushima however wanted to be different. you weren't actually planning on shooting any of them but with the way things were going, it didn't look like you had a choice.

"put the gun down (y/n)." yuji demanded, steadily walking towards you.

you backed away and lifted the gun so you were aiming it at yuji. "no, not until you let me and my friends go."

"i will, as long as you put the gun d-"


you weren't taking any chances and so you shot him in the thigh, causing him to fall to the ground. miyu, rinko and clarisse all gasped in shock, they never would've thought you'd actually do it. terushima held his thigh and gritted his teeth in pain, even you were surprised by what you'd done.

"you're fucking crazy!" rinko shrieked at the amount of blood pooling up on the floor.

"i'm the crazy one!?" you scoffed. "you fucking kidnapped us!"

the three of them started to whisper to each other so you took this as an opportunity to untie nanako who had somewhat woken up. like suna, she too was confused by her surroundings but it didn't take long for her to grasp onto what was going on.

speaking of suna, he had now fallen unconscious and you knew you had to be quick and get him out of here before it was too late. if he ever were to pass, you would never forgive yourself and would live with guilt for the rest of your life.

"hey wake up.." you shook nanako.

when you looked back up the girls were approaching you, you stood your ground and aimed the gun but for whatever reason this time round they weren't fazed by it.

you pulled the trigger and practically felt your stomach drop when you realised there were no more bullets left.

"fuck- fuck, fuck." you mumbled to yourself, by this time they were just a few meters away and you knew you had to brace yourself for a physical fight.

clarisse was the first to charge at you, running into you so you fell to the ground. you dodged a few of her punches but you had to admit she did get a few hefty hits in. before you knew it she was on top of you, sending punches to your face left, right and centre.

"yeah, bet you know how rinko felt now huh?" she spat.

you refused to let her of all people end you like this.

you purposely let her get a punch in before grabbing her wrists to hold her in place, she was struggling to break from your grip but unfortunately there was a much greater risk ahead of you. from the corner of your eye you noticed rinko pick up the knife.

"end her now."

you didn't give up though, continuing to force clarisse off you but it simply wasn't enough. rinko was now stood behind you with the knife just inches away from your face.

"shit rinko! watch ou-"

rinko was suddenly knocked in the back of the head by the metal bar and it made you smile as to who was holding it, nanako stared down at the unconscious girl in disgust. she couldn't believe these girls had gone as far as this all for some high school popularity.

the knife fell to the floor resulting in a large clanging sound, clarisse quickly jumped off you and backed away alongside miyu.

"not so talkative now are we? you bitches." nanako said, wiping the blood from her mouth.

"hey- we didn't mean it." clarisse mumbled.

there was no doubt that nanako looked badass with a metal bar in her hand but seriously? were the two of them seriously about to back down because they saw her as a threat?

"we?" miyu scoffed. "i'll fight that fucker one on one of i have to."

this was like their fight in the school hallways all over again, whilst nanako and miyu squared up to eachother you reached into rinko's pocket and used her phone to dial the cops. shortly after they said they were on their way you called an ambulance for suna and atsumu.

it didn't take long for miyu to once again realise that she was out matched and instead of surrendering, both her and clarisse ran towards rinko in an attempt to carry her and flee the scene.

"where the fuck do you guys think you're going?" terushima rasped. "don't just leave me here."

"not our fault you got shot." was the last thing clarisse said before the group disappeared into the distance.

you fell to your knees and let your head fall into your palms, thankful that this whole ordeal had finally come to an end.

what a start to the new year this was.

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