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suna's pov

warning : sexual content

➜ she was a good kisser that was a fact. clarisse was a dangerous girl and someone of her mind games could easily have anyone wrapped around their finger in the blink of an eye.

she was practically asking to get fucked stupid with the way she was acting and if that's what she wanted then that's what you were gonna give to her. your hands rested on either side of her waist as she continued to grind her hips against you.

it didn't help that you were about to jerk yourself off to the sex tape that you'd made with (y/n) for the third time time this evening.

you were already hard before clarisse had even entered the room.

"hey suna." clarisse suddenly pulled away, looking into your eyes. "wanna know the real reason why i chose you to be my host family?"

"why did you?"

"because you're so fucking fine." she answered before leaning in once more. you barely even had time to process what she'd said before her lips were dancing along yours again.

you smirked into the kiss as your fingers snaked their way into her lingerie panties, rubbing her clit back and forth to arouse her even more. she was already wet and sighed into the makeout the faster your digits moved against her.

you broke from the kiss and looked at her lips. "open your mouth."

clarisse obeyed your command, sticking her tongue out as she did so. you then shoved your fingers into her mouth, clarisse instinctively began to suck and swirl her tongue around your digits tasting herself to which you enjoyed.

she was one nasty slut.

"yeah that's it, good girl." you leered.

clarisse smiled at your praise before reaching down to palm your erection, it didn't help that her nails also matched her lingerie set which made the whole thing ten times hotter.

"i know you're big." she smirked. "so, show me what you've got."

you saw this as nothing more than an opportunity to get your dick wet with no feelings involved, if a pretty girl like her was trying to fuck you then who were you to say no.

"alright, now come here." you stood to your feet before grabbing her ankles and dragging her to the end of the bed towards you.

clarisse gasped at the sudden position change, you tugged at her lingerie panties until they eventually dangled off her ankle and onto the floor. from there you manhandled her into a mating press to get a view of her from above.

she was in shock and you watched as her pussy clenched around nothing, desperate to be filled. her breasts were perked up in her lingerie set and just the lewd look on her face turned you on by itself, her pussy was dripping for you and you loved it.

you spat on her cunt before rubbing your saliva in with her arousal, it had been a while since you'd had sex whilst high.

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