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warning : sexual content

➜ "oh shit.." you gasped when akaashi's fingers rubbed across your clit. you were currently laying down on your bed, school skirt raised and legs slightly spread whilst akaashi hovered over you with his fingers in your panties.

he observed your facial expressions as his digits picked up the pace, making your whimpers grow louder. your mind was hazy right now and at first you were hesitant on his offer, but once he pressed his lips onto yours you already knew there was no turning back.

"fuck you're so wet.." akaashi mumbled in mesmerisation, just loud enough for you to hear.

he was right, with the way he was touching you right now you were bound to cum in no time. you sat up slightly and rested on your elbows to get a better view of him, his eyes were narrowed and tinted a slight shade of red.

at the back of your mind you were still thinking about suna, wondering what the hell he was doing right now and why he hadn't bothered to call you back yet. akaashi noticed you weren't focused on him for a split second and sat up properly for a moment.

"you okay?" he asked. "i'll stop if you want me to-"

"no." you quickly said, your response came out more as a demand than an answer. "i want you to keep going." you mumbled, looking away in embarrassment.

akaashi ran his fingers through his hair before chuckling at you. "whatever you say princess."

and before you knew it your legs were resting on top of his shoulders as his tongue was delving in and out of your opening. he held your thighs to get a better angle and you couldn't help but grip his hair from the pleasurable sensation.

akaashi's hips slowly rutted into your mattress in an attempt to find some form of friction to satisfy his achingly hard erection.

"fuck.. keiji!" you moaned when he added two fingers into your cunt. your walls clenched around them as he simultaneously sucked on your clit whilst pumping them.

"mmm." he hummed, feeling your legs beginning to clamp around his head.

the fact that you were high only made it better, every time you had an orgasm in this state it was always life changing. your hips bucked into his fingers as he brushed your sweet spot and it wasn't long before the coil in your stomach snapped, making your whole body go limp as your orgasm washed over you.

"yeah.. there we go, damn." akaashi mumbled into your gushing slit, licking up everything that you gave him.

your legs were still trembling by the time he was done, it had been a while since you'd came that hard. your heart rate eventually settled to which you looked up at akaashi who was now stood, realising that there was a damp spot in his briefs.

shortly after, he peaked into his pants and laughed at himself before looking back down at you. "shit, you made me cum."

you tilted your head to the side in confusion. "huh? i didn't even touch you."

"exactly." akaashi smirked. "just goes to show how much you turn me on."

you were practically left speechless, not even suna had ever gotten turned on enough to cum whilst eating you out. this was a feeling you had never experienced before.

"guess that's just the (y/n) effect." you cockily shrugged which made him laugh. it then fell silent and although nothing was said, it was evident that you both wanted more out of what just happened.

"i'm gonna clean myself up first real quick, you want anything from downstairs?"

"yeah, a glass of water will do thanks." you replied.

akaashi nodded and left your room, a few minutes later he returned with two glass cups of water in his hand. the both of you drank and chilled for a short time after that before continuing, you figured you both needed time to regenerate given how intense your orgasms were.

and for whatever reason, you felt way more turned on now than you did twenty minutes ago.

so the moment akaashi began to unbutton your school shirt you didn't resist, allowing him to romanticise your body to the best of his ability. he ended up making you cum a second time by letting you ride his face and so you decided to change your approach this time.

"hey.. what're you doing beneath the cov- oh shit.. i see." akaashi gasped, feeling your hands wrap around the base of his cock.

"shh, i wanna make you feel good too." you chuckled from under the covers.

akaashi scoffed before resting his hands at the back of his head and mumbling to himself. "i'm all yours baby."

little did you know that akaashi had actually snuck a high dosage of viagra powder into both of your drinks.

it was about to be a very long night.

suna's pov

your whole week had been hell.

for one, your girlfriend was ignoring you and you couldn't understand why, but it would all be ok.

since you were currently on a flight to see her right now.

you would be landing within the next ten minutes  or so and to be honest, you were pretty nervous. you'd thought that yours and (y/n)'s relationship had reached a stage where you were mature enough to address any concerns or problems you had with one another but clearly not.

it was a shame since at school according to your new friends, all you seemed to do was talk about (y/n) and how much you missed her.

"ladies and gentlemen we will now be making our descent and should be arriving in tokyo city shortly." the pilot made their announcement.

you looked out the window and smiled to yourself, coming to the realisation that you would finally get to see your girlfriend again.

7:32 pm


UNKNOWN : guess your girls mine now 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️



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