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Trigger Warnings for this chapter:
      Mentions of Suicide

Living in the Southside is a hell of a job. Most of the people down here are shit dysfunctional families, druggies, and a whole bunch of other shit sometimes combined. I live in the same neighborhood as the Gallaghers and the Milkoviches. The Gallaghers are my second family, when my dysfunctional one is out of order I go to their dysfunctional one.

My family is a mess. My dad skipped out on us when I was one so I don't remember the dude. I've got two older brothers who are douchebags and a mom who's overworking her ass, if she's not careful she'll be dead in ten years if shes lucky. My older brothers Kaden and Deven are best friends with the Milkoviches.

My mother works in the Northside as a nurse, she studied while pregnant with my older sister who committed just last summer. It shook the neighborhood, she was seen as one of the nicest people in the neighborhood, her death definitely brought the Gallaghers and Milkoviches together for once. My mom and Monica Gallagher were pregnant at the same time. It's crazy how the world works.

Kaden and Fiona were born one week apart. They're best friends, sometimes I accidently walk in on the two doing it. They're best friends with benefits let's say. Kaden has a night job working while mom is home, and at home when she's not. Deven is a year older than Lip. Apparently Dad and Mom were struggling to have a baby for a year or two and eventually had Deven.

I'm the youngest, that I know of at least. I'm the same age as Ian, just younger by a month or two. Me and him are best friends due to age and the fact our parents were somewhat friends. Me and Mandy Milkovich are pretty close though.

Terry is a douche to them though, if I had the guts and didn't have to deal with my brother's I'd punch him square in the jaw or his child molesting bitch ass face. Mandy told me all about what Terry did to her while drunk on multiple occasions. Terry deserves to go back to prison in my opinion, but for good.

Anyways today I am going to help Ian out at the Kash and Grab. I quickly throw on some clothes for today, me and my brothers sometimes help out the Gallaghers with bills since our mother has enough to work and my brother also has a job.

Kaden graduated early and went to school to work in manufacturing, he makes half as much as my mother which is a lot. Deven works at some retail store downtown, he makes fifteen dollars an hour. Me and Ian make twelve an hour, but he takes more shifts especially when Kash is there.

I quickly brush my hair before running downstairs. I grabbed a waffle from the plate and ran out the door after slipping on my shoes. I quickly head over to the Gallaghers. Me and Ian are walking to school together like usual, we meet at 7:30 at his house but I always leave a bit earlier so I can help Fiona out around the house.

"Hey Y/n, if you run any faster you'll fall on your face!"

"Shut it Milkovich!" I yelled back at Mickey and gave him the finger while running towards the Gallagher household.

I arrived at the house, but I took the back door since I felt someone following me, that someone being Mickey. I shoved the door open lightly panting at how fast I had to run to get away from him.

"Jesus Y/n, you running from the cops?" Fiona questioned while putting the milk on the table.

"Nope, just Mickey. He made fun of me for running so I told him to shut it and then had to run. No biggie though, my brother's will talk with him."

"Be careful with them, Y/n." Lip warned.

"Eh, oh well." Ian came into the room with Carl on his back. Once Ian put Carl down he gave me a side hug before sitting down.

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