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It's been two weeks since Mickey got back, my meds have almost leveled out by now. My brain doesn't feel as much like oatmeal as before but still a bit. I don't have work today so I'm going over to the Gallaghers.

They're having a sleepover party for Debs today so I'm helping doing last minute setting up. I put some clothes in my backpack along with my pill doses for the weekend. I had a shower, ate and took my pills before leaving.

"Y/n, you got the extra sleeping bags?" Fiona asked opening the door for me.

"Yep, all five of em right here. Who's coming anyways?"

"Mandy, Ethel, Simon, Holly and you I think."

"Why'd she invite fuckin Holly?" I exclaimed rolling out the sleeping bags on the floor.

"I don't know, anyways I gotta go pick up the cake, cya."

I grabbed my backpack and walked upstairs and stopped outside the boys room since I heard fighting.

"The girl has whore tattooed on her arm, she put my dick in her mouth because you asked her to." Ian argued with Lip.

"What!" Carl yelled before looking out the door and noticing me.

"You need to shut the fuck up!"

"Why so when Carl gets his first woody she can come and suck him off too?" Lip pushed Ian and stormed out almost knocking into me.

"I already had my first woody, in history class talking about how Marie Antoinette's head got chopped off."

I slowly peered into the room to make sure it was safe to come in which it was so I quietly placed my bag next to Ian's bed.

"You hear all that?"

"Most of it yeah." I chuckled sitting down next to Carl. We kinda just talked for a bit before Debbie called me over to help her do her hair.

"Like it Debs?" I asked after putting her hair up.

"Yeah thanks!" She smiled before starting to hug me. "I wish Evelyn could've come, she would've loved the party."

"I do too Debs. She's here in our hearts, yeah? I'm sure she'd be here if she was still around, wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled pulling out of the hug. I started crying a bit so she hugged me again.

"She's in a better place now, right?"

"Yeah she is." I kissed the top of her head before going downstairs with her.

"We need to get pizza for the party, Y/n you crying?"

"We just wish Evelyn could've been here." Debbie said wiping my face of the tears.

"I do too." Fiona smiled giving us a hug.

"I'll order the pizza and pay for it, as my 'fake birthday, birthday gift' it's the least I can do."

"Y/n you've already done so much, you don't need to." Fiona smiled. "Ian thanks for staying back."

"Its for Debs not for you."

"Hey party girl." Mandy smiled walking in with black lights.

"Aren't those for finding traces of blood?"

"They also make you look good, blood will just make it spookier Debs." I smiled taking a seat next to Mandy. Everyone started doing something walking around putting food down or getting ready for work or something.

"Someone's at the door!"

Ian walked and opened it and fucking Holly walked in. "I'm here for the Gallagher thing."

"Really?" Ian asked closing the door.

Fiona talked with Debs before leaving.

"Alright I'll order Pizza, one pepperoni one cheese?" I asked pulling out my phone. I quickly walked to the kitchen and ordered the pizzas, all extra large.

After thirty minutes the pizza came, I paid the thirty bucks and called everyone to eat. I cut up a piece and sat beside Liam making sure he ate it.

"We're going upstairs once we put on the film, put Liam to bed then come up?"

"Sure." I smiled looking at Ian before passing Liam his orange juice.

We finished the pizza and I threw out the boxes.

"Alright Kids, I'll be upstairs if you need anything, I'm putting Liam to bed." I told the kids before walking upstairs with Liam on my hip. I walked into the boys' room to see Mandy and Lip making out, Ian sitting on the bed reading an ROTC thing. "Goodnight buddy." I smiled putting him in the crib.

"Wanna go watch the movie with them?"

"Sure. Lip and Mandy if you're gonna do anything more than that do it in another room or something, Liam needs to sleep." Me and Ian went downstairs, he sat on the Armchair and I sat on the floor beside it.

"I've already seen this movie a million times and this pizza sucks." Holly groaned.

"Sorry, can I make you a grilled cheese?" Debbie offered.

"I'll have one!" Carl yelled before getting a pillow thrown at him.

"Where's Lip?"

"Upstairs with Mandy." Debbie replied taking a seat on the couch.

A few minutes later Mandy and Lip left, walking in the way of the Jackson house. We all went to bed once the movie ended, me and Ian went upstairs to sleep. I quickly got changed in the bathroom before setting up my spot on the floor.

"You sure you're okay with sleeping in the floor? Doesn't your back get sore."

"Yeah but I can bare it." I smiled sitting up and texting my mom where I am.

"How about I sleep on the floor and you get the bed?"

"Not happening."

"Fine then we both sleep on the bed, one under the covers one over so it's not awkward." Ian said pulling me up by my arms.

"Fine." I groaned grabbing my pillow and putting it beside his.

"Y'know we should sleep like this more often." Ian laughed pulling me closer.

"Purely platonic, you're gay remember."

"Yeah, yeah."

We quickly fell asleep. My head on his chest, his arm around me.

"Wakey, wakey you two." Fiona said throwing a pillow at our faces. I groaned awake and pulled my head off of Ians chest. "Since when do you two share a bed anyways?"

"Ian made me last night."

"I did not, I just pulled you onto the bed and you agreed after we argued about it. Plus it hurts your back."

"V and Kev are coming over soon, have breakfast and get in the poor with them. If you need a bathing suit we've got extras."

"I brought one." I smiled getting up and walking to the bathroom to change. I threw on my bathing suit and put my clothes on over top for now.

"I grabbed your pills out of your bag and poured your cereal." Ian said sitting at the table.

"Thanks." I smiled chugging water with my pills before eating the cereal. I took my clothes off upstairs before running down to get in the pool with them.

"Y/n you grew a cup or two since last year?" V asked as I slowly got into the pool.

"You noticed?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah, what size are you now? You look like a y/c/s maybe?" I just nodded in return.

"Enough talk about bras and boobs." Kev groaned throwing the beach ball at Veronica.

"Yeah I don't need to know my bestfriend's boob size."

Lip and Debbie came in the pool soon after. They played a game, soon Karen came over and yelled at Lip. He got Mandy to try and suck off her fiance, Jodi. They started to fight, Ian had to pull her off of Lip.

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