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Trigger Warnings for this chapter:

"Alright I've gotta go home and take my meds or my mom will kill me. Bye guys love ya." I said going into the hallway to go downstairs.

"What's your meds for?"

"Depression, maybe Bipolar who knows, maybe ill turn out like you or my father, how fun would that be?" I said sarcastically to Monica before running downstairs.

"Aye watch your tone y/h/c!"

"Whatever Roberta!" I yelled before running out hearing her stomp down the stairs. I ran so fast I thought my legs were gonna give out.

"Where the hell were you last night?"

"At the Gallaghers, got breakfast ready? Need to eat with my pills." I asked Deven from the sidewalk. He just laughed lightly before going back inside me following soon after.

I ran upstairs and took a quick shower, changed and ran back downstairs. I had some of the pancakes, took my meds y'know the usual.

"So, how you been feeling lately?"

"I've been good." I said washing my plate.

"You haven't felt extra, wired? Extra jumpy? Anything?"

"No, why you worried?" He nodded and I just laughed, "Don't be, I'm alright. Only start worrying if I get arrested, run away or start getting real paranoid and or am in psychosis."

"Like you'd tell us."

"Who knows, I might have last week and just didn't tell you since I didn't want to get locked up." I shrugged before throwing a sandwich in my bag and walking out.

I walked to school alone again, could've walked with the Gallaghers but they needed eachother more than I needed them. I would walk with Mandy but she's been so wrapped up in hooking up with guys, going shopping or going on 'dates' with Ian.

I could make friends with people from school, I mean I'm acquaintances with some of them I just, I feel like I don't deserve it. I want to have more people to talk to but I feel like I'll just fuck it up. I've talked to Karen Jackson a few times but we were never close.

I arrived at school and went to my locker which had a bunch of shit making fun of me for being a virgin or asking me out. I took the shit off the front and threw it out before opening my locker. A whole shit ton of stuff spilled out.

"Hey want help with that Olberman?"

"Uh sure, thanks,"

"Edward or Eddie."

"Thanks Ed." I smiled picking up half of the pile.

"So, what's it like being the talk of the school?"

"Sucks ass, I'd rather throw myself out a twelve story building." I joked which he laughed at, usually people don't laugh at my jokes since my self depreciating humor is a bit much for most.

"I feel that,"

"What classes did you have last semester?"

"I had Photography with you, probably didn't notice me since you don't talk to anyone, I mean I don't much ethier." Edward rambled on, "fuck am I rambling, I'm sorry I always get in trouble for that."

"Nah you're good, I do that sometimes if I'm excited about something." I checked the time on my watch and took out my binder. "Shit gotta go, nice talking to you Edward!"

I quickly made my way to my next class. The classes felt longer today, since I started the meds the classes have etheir gone ten times faster or slower depending on how interested I've been. Shits really fucked up my hormones, I should probably get it checked but I haven't done anything too crazy yet.

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