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It's been a few days and I still haven't gotten back on my meds but I told everyone I did. I've felt better the last few days but that may just be the mania.

"Going to the store, be back later!" I yelled walking out the door with a cute outfit I found in my closet. It was a silky crop top and a skirt that stopped mid thigh.

I drove to the north side and checked out a bunch of the stores.

"Oh my gosh that's so cool!" I gasped running to some vinyls. They had some that I listened to so I grabbed them.

"You can play those on a record player, you got one at home?" The worker asked coming over.

"No, how much are they?"

"The cheapest is a hundred, the most popular one is one-fifty though." He said showing me a very beautiful record player.

That fifty then fifteen per vinyl so it'll bring me to about two hundred, twenty-five then I could buy some more cool nick nacks from here.

"I'll take it, oh and those lights over there." I said before running over and grabbing them. I brought them to the counter.

"Two hundred ninety-three and eighty cents."

"Tax is so expensive holy shit can you believe that?" I laughed pulling out my card.

"Hey if you wanna get a drink later, maybe come to my house I'm down. Here's my number."

"Thanks." I smiled taking it and my stuff to my car before going to the next store.

The next store I bought so many clothes it was crazy. I probably spent around eight hundred so far today with all the stuff.

Time skip

"Hey, thanks for calling." The guy from the store smiled taking a seat next to me.

"No problem, you're cute." I smiled touching his arm.

"I've got some party favors if you're up to it."

"Oh, pass it over." I smiled grabbing it and quickly snorting some.

We went to a strip club downtown. It's like one of the ones I worked at before.

"Shit that feels good." I giggled.

We ordered drinks and I got drunk. We both ended up going to his hotel room.

"You ready?" He asked positioning himself at my entrance.

"Rubber first tough guy." I said throwing him one which he put on quickly.

After we fucked a few times I was sobered up enough to drive so I drove home and went to bed.

Time skip

It's the next day and Fiona called a bunch of people in the neighborhood for a block party. Some lady on Bundy pulled some racist shit so I got Deven and he got the Milkovich brothers and we went together.

"Welcome to the Southside bitch!" Fiona cheered to the lady. Fiona looks like shit, she really is gonna lose her liver in the next five years if she doesn't stop.

We all started listening to hip hop music and dancing. I took a good few beers which alarmed Deven but who gives a shit.

"I have called the police, they are on their way! You are disturbing the peace!" The lady said with her phone out.

"Hey, lady. That was my brother with the lemonade stand." Fiona said walking up to the fence.


"Yeah that's right, I've got a black brother." The lady just made a face and nodded. "What? That's why you didn't want him near your house right? Because he's black?"

"OK. You need to go home. Some of us have jobs!"

"Y'know I lived in this neighborhood my whole life. Kids have always sold lemonade right here. Black kids, white kids, Russian kids, Mexican kids." Fiona said leaning on the fence with a smirk.

"Would you get away from my fence?"

"Nobody ever had a problem with lemonade stands until all of you bougie, yoga loving, latte sipping, ankle tattoo wearing racist assholes moved into our neighborhood. So your fence? Fuck your fence." Fiona said finishing off her drink then hopping it then punching the lady.

The cops pulled up and Fiona ran. They got Fiona and we all booed. They put Fiona in the cop car and drove off.

"Hey Iggy, wanna go back to your house?" I asked looking up at him.

"No fucking way, you're drunk Y/n, I'm taking you home." Deven butted in coming over.

"Oh boo hoo, let me have fun with him." I whined playing with his shirt.

"We made a pact not to fuck a girl who's not fully able to give consent after what Terry did, Mickey would be pissed if I fucked you." Iggy said.

"Oh for fuck sake." I whined before walking home.

Time skip

It's been a week and today I vist Mickey. I also got back on my meds this morning so I'm very tired but also on my way to the prison.

When I got there I did the check in stuff. I got sent to a glass call window area and sat down, Mickey soon came over.

"The fuck took you a month to vist again?" Mickey asked looking annoyed.

"I got really depressed, got off my meds, had a manic episode and bought a bunch of shit, did a bunch of shit and people and got back on my meds this morning."

"Shit, prison is making me miss pussy, gonna get wood just thinking about it. Ian and me keep fighting, he's so fucking annoying at times."

"So that was your plan, you chose Ian as your Cellmate. That's so cute." I smiled.

"Shut it." Mickey laughed lowly. "So what kinda shit happened while you were off your meds?"

"Well I was depressed for like three weeks, Jess had to fucking drag me out and made me have a bath. After that when I got Manic I bought a bunch of cool shit but now my closet is overflowing. Fiona is drinking every meal and more, she had a block party last week cause some racist shithead bougie ass white chick called the cops on Liam for a lemonade stand. Apparently when I was drunk I tried doing something with someone and my brother had to walk me home and now someone thinks I like them."


"Don't be mad, I was off my meds and drunk and we didn't do anything ever and stuff."

"Oh God, you're making me worried." Mickey said grabbing his head.

"Deven said I tried to fuck Iggy."

"Dumbass he's always had the hots for you, probably told Dad. Gonna have to deal with Southside marriage shit or something."

"Deven already talked with them. Nothing of the sorts is happening." I laughed. "How's Ian?"

"He's good. Better visit him right when you can visit people though."

"I will." I smiled.

"Good, cause he keeps blabbing on about missing you and how he fucked up with you."

"Times up." The guard said to everyone who was visiting.

"Bye Mick, say hi to Ian for me."

"Yeah, bye."

"Love you."

"Yeah whatever, you too." He said trying to be tough but I know he's actually a big baby.

I went home and got started getting a job.

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