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"Selling your meth is a bad fuckin idea bro." I said parking in the EMT parking lot.

"Well what else would I do with it?"

"Flush it? Put it back where Frank found it? That someone who was living with Monica probably is the real owner of that shit and will come looking for your dumbasses. Me and Fioma will sit back and say 'I told you so'."

"Well then you're gonna be waiting a very fucking long time." Ian said grabbing his bag from the back seat.

"Be safe, don't break any protocols."

"I won't. Bye, love you." Ian said before closing the door and running in.

I drove back to the University and did some more work. I after uni I went back to the Gallaghers and made dinner for the remaining Gallaghers that were at home. After that I watched a movie with Liam. Me, Carl, Ian and Liam all hopped in the Hot Tub around nine.

"Yo!" Lip said walking over to us.

"What up? Hop in." Carl said leaning back more.

"Its nice huh?"


"Got your Monica Franklin's." Carl said passing the money over to Lip I just shook my head and crossed my arms.

"Any trouble?"

"No, my guys are chill." Carl said getting a light slap from Ian. "Hey don't worry you're next."

"Yo, Liam. How was school?"

"Good. Some white person told me my life mattered." Liam replied.

"Liam I need to check your tempeture again." I said grabbing the thermometer from the side of the tub.

"Why you checking it?" Lip asked.

"She's worried Liam will overheat." Carl said rolling his eyes.

"It can happen! I almost did it at my Grandparents once." I argued.

"That's because you were unsupervised." Ian argued back.

"Woah! It came out great Carl!" Frank said walking over.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Smoked up all my meth, got over your mother and now I'm a new man. I'm making amends to those I hurt. Can I make amends to you guys tomorrow?"


"Yeah it's fine."


Frank put his fingers in and nodded. "May I?"


"Namaste!" Frank said on top of the hot tub dick out.

"Y'know what I'm gonna go watch a movie." I said climbing out quickly putting on a towel.

"The chlorine burns anything anyways!" Frank tried saying.

"No offense Frank but I'd rather not. Sorry!" I shrugged running inside.

The next day I went on another date with Michael. We had fun, did lots of stuff.

Time skip a week or two later.

"Oh shit!" I said rushing to the bathroom. I vomited and felt really nauseous. I flushed the toilet and washed my face. I didn't look sick and my temperature was fine.

I quickly got dressed and went downstairs. I ate breakfast and stuff and rushed to the drug store.

I walked to the pregnancy isle and picked out a different test from each brand. I placed all of them on the counter.

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