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Trigger warnings for this chapter:
     Self-harm, Attempted Suicide, Sexual
     Harassment, Mentions of Panic Attacks

Sunday was boring, I woke up with a hangover, mom was nagging me about it wheras my 'father' was trying to excuse it. I stayed at home and sort of bonded with him, he talked about a whole bunch of shit he did while he was away.

Monday rolled by fast, I had to work at Kash and Grab after school with Ian. When I walked home with Mandy she was talking about how Ian saved her from Mr Bancroft and how she was gonna ask him out. Her asking guys out is basically just fucking them so I was worried for Ian.

"Ian is stocking tonight, Y/n you're at cash or just do whatever I don't really care."

"Okay Kash." I replied rolling my eyes before getting on the stool behind the counter. I had to count bills or something, I'm not really sure.

Working on cash is pretty boring since there's not much to do. I kinda just sit there watching Ian do the hard work.

"Actually Y/n you stock too, I wanna be on cash." Why so you can watch Ian's ass? Fucking pedophile, why does Ian even like him.

I got up and went to the back grabbing a box. The next hour I just helped Ian stock and occasionally went out on runs to pick up something we were missing.

The bell rang and I looked to see come in. I just went back to stocking trying not to laugh.

"Hey that's sexual harassment." Ian laughed thinking it was Kash before turning to see Mandy. "Mandy?"

"Hey Ian."

"W-whats going on?" He asked steping down.

"I wanted to thank you for coming to my rescue in history class today."

"Oh yeah well Mr Bancroft is a prick."

"Well I think you might be my knight and shining armor." She said rocking on her heels.

I got up from stocking the lower shelfs and went over to behind the register with Kash watching this play out. Ian shot me a glare before turning back to Mandy.

"Ha, right."

"You're funny Ian Gallagher!" She said before running over to him who was now closer to the cash. "What time do you get off work?"

"I think it's inventory night so not until very late."

"Well I guess I'll see you around school tomorrow then?" She asked

"Yeah maybe."

"See you tomorrow Ian." She kissed his neck before walking out.

"Ian you're fucked, if you say no to her I don't know what will happen but it won't be good." I said jumping off the stool and walking to the back. "I'm gonna check out for the night, don't have too much fun."

I started walking out the back before catching Mandy on the back of a truck. "Waiting for Ian?"


"Give him an hour or so, takes that long for both of em to close up. Also if he rejects you don't be surprised, he's rejected every girl that tried to date him in the past two years."

I started walking back home. The streets were dark so I made sure to get back fast, you never know around here.

"Y/n it's so dark out, why did you walk home alone?"

"Jesus I just got home." I muttered under my breath before answering, "Ian wanted to close up with Kash and Mandy is walking home with Ian since he saved her or something."

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