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Trigger Warnings for this chapter:
       Mentions of depression, Child Abuse,
       Child Abandonment

Time skip to a month later

Ian walked me home, I wasn't feeling up to going to work today so he said he would cover for me. Last month him and Lip got in a fight, he got over it but he still wanted a bit of space occasionally so Ian has been hanging at my house a lot.

"Who's car is that?" Ian asked as we approached some new car in our driveway.

"No clue. Mom's car is here though?"

We quickly rushed inside the house and saw both my brothers at the couch, mom, and some guy.

"Honey you're home, and Ian. Come in and say hi." I looked at my brothers who just looked down, rather than look in my eyes.

"Who is this?"

"Hi Y/n."

"Hi random stranger?" I asked taking a seat on the empty couch, Ian taking one beside me.

"I'm your father, Y/n."

"No, my father left years ago, I don't have a fucking father." I spat at them, I was getting frustrated.

"Be nice, he's been through a lot throughout these years."

"Be nice? He left me when I was ONE! He probably has a new fuckin family now too, huh?" I got up, Ian following close behind me.

"He wanted to be here but it was too hard for him!"

"Yeah well him being here now is harder for me!" I yelled back running up the stairs, waterfalls coming out of my eyes. I collapsed on the floor, Ian had to pick me up and bring me to my room.

"Hey shh it'll be okay, alright? He's a fucking prick for doing that." He hugged me tightly while I cried.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this now, you should go home."

"No, I want to help you, I want to be here for you."

"I'm such a piece of shit. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" I was balling now, Ian held me close to him tightly.

A knock came from my door, I looked up and saw Kaden walk in and shut it behind him. "I know it's hard right now. The reason dad left was because his bipolar was acting up again and he didn't want you to get hurt. He really does care about you, you know that right?"

"Hell he does, go fuck off, she's clearly not in a good mental state." Ian said quietly, rocking me back and forth in his lap like a mother cradling her baby.

"Fuck, Y/n's gonna go through another depressive episode or something."

"How long was the last one?"

"It was a year, I'll be fine though. I worked through the last one." I said quietly before putting my head back on Ian's shoulder.

"Kaden leave for a bit eh?"

"Fine, don't leave her like that though." He said before walking out and downstairs towards the family.


"What's up?"

"Can you grab a joint from my dresser over there?" Ian moved me onto me on the bed before walking over to my dresser and pulling out one of the joints. He brought the lighter to it before taking a long drag and passing it over.

"You sure Weed is the best thing for right now?"

"Better than feeling like shit." We laughed a bit before deciding to sneak out my window and run to his house. Not the best decision while high but y'know it is what it is.

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