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It's been Five months since Ian left. We called every day like he said until around a month and a half ago. He just disappeared. No calls, no texts just gone.

After he left I broke completely. It was a depressive episode just not as extreme as it would've been off the meds.

Sheila has been going to the Gallagher house a lot more often, I have too. My weeks have been like two days home, three at the Gallaghers and maybe two at the Milkoviches but theirs is more of a give or take.

Mickey took Ian's disappearance hard too. He didn't show if but I could tell. Whenever we were alone I held him and let him show any emotions he could show. He cried a few times. Mickey doesn't let anyone see him cry, I've probably seen him the most of everyone.

Mandy took it hard too, just not as much as me or Mickey. She was upset a few times but she knew he'd be okay and constantly told me.

The first time the Milkoviches came over since his disappearance Mandy and Mickey came in my room incase he was hiding there or something. They read the letter he left. He didn't leave anything for them which made me feel guilty. They didn't judge me for my Ian 'shrine', they understood why and comforted me. Every once in a while Mickey comes over and looks at the stuff I have of Ian or reads the letter.

Mickey feels really guilty for Ian's disappearance. Ian left partially because of Mickey but there was a ton of other stuff, and Ian wasn't entirely himself when he left. I think he knew I could see it.

At the Gallaghers everyone was hurt by it. They showed it at first but eventually just outlet it in other ways.

Debbie became friends with Holly. It was destructive and I didn't approve of it, none of us did really but Debbie needed an outlet for everything and that was it.

Carl started getting into more things. He became more destructive than he was but became more quiet sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised if he started selling drugs soon.

Lip has been at college so I couldn't really tell much. He's been stressed though. With Ian gone, Mandy being obsessive and starting College it's all too much for him.

Liam being a child is clueless of course. He occasionally asks where Ian is and we have to make something up.

Fiona has become a workaholic. With Steve leaving then Ian she's become so lost in work and in her new boss slash boyfriend she's been busy. I'm worried she'll work herself too hard and fall down the rabbit hole.

I'm on my way to the Gallaghers house since I don't have anything to do today. When I got there though everyone was gone besides Carl.

"Where is everyone?"

"Doings stuff."

"Okay." I said hesitantly before sitting on the armchair watching the movie with Carl.

An hour later someone was knocking at the door. I got up and answered it since I was the closest to an adult in the house right now.


"Found him at a crack house, looks like shit."

"Carl where do we put Frank?" I asked looking at him. He paused the movie before walking upstairs. Tony put Frank on Ian's bed and asked a few questions before leaving. "Should we give him a bath?"

"Yeah he stinks."

"You're helping. Grab his feet I'll grab his arms." We carried, or dragged Frank to the bathroom and into the tub. Carl went and got Sheila and she helped us bathe him. He had bugs coming off of him and stuff.

We had to give him four baths to get him clean enough, we also almost ran out of soap. We got him clothed and put him back on Ian's bed. I stayed home with Carl all day making sure he was alright and fed, like Ian asked me to.

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