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"She was crying all night again, gave her milk that stopped her for a bit then we had to change her like a billion times." Mickey complained pouring a cup of coffee in his suit for his and Ian's transport job.

"We gotta go, no time for coffee." Ian said passing me Morgan.

"Jesus stop nagging me."

"Sounds like a married couple." I smiled bouncing Morgan a bit making her smile.

"Oh shut the fuck up." Mickey yelled opening the door to leave.

"Love you too!" I yelled back as the door shut behind the two.

I made myself breakfast, fed her, cleaned up a bit. We watched a few shows together then I got a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I yelled walking over to the door. When I opened the door Terry fucking Milkovich was there. "Oh." I said as I backed up as he started to enter the apartment.

"So this is where you guys live, huh? A lot cleaner than he's used to."

"Terry you need to leave."

"I don't have to leave until I get to meet my granddaughter." He smirked walking closer to me.

I gulped and looked down at Morgan. "Wash your hands first." I muttered going over to the couch.

"Atta girl." He said before going to the sink to wash his hands. After he did that he came over. "Let me see her."

I slowly handed her to him, he picked her up and cradled her. "She's definitely a Milkovich. Too bad her dad is a ***." I went to grab her back after a minute but he just turned. "I think I'll look around. Isn't that right little one?" I went to grab my phone but he pulled a gun on me. "Don't you fucking dare or I'll shoot you and take her with me."

"Sorry." I said quietly staying still on the couch.

Terry walked into each of the rooms and checked the out before coming back out. "Have fun with her. Might pay a visit again, get to know you both better." Terry smirked handing her to me before leaving.

Once he left I let out a breath I was holding. My eyes were watering the whole time, I was terrified. I finally let myself cry as I held her so close. I went to my room and layed down with her and held her close. "Nobody will hurt you. Nobody will hurt you." I cried caressing her.

I quickly got up and packed her up. I don't wanna be here alone with her now. I drove us to the alibi.

"Hey!" Kev smiled. Frank and Liam were sitting at the bar. "Woah why do you look so scared?"

"Fucking Terry found out where we live. Fucking threatened me with a gun, made me let him meet her then he walked around, said he'd visit again."

"We need to get rid of them!" Frank said pointing his finger up. Ian and Mickey then walked in with duffel bags. "Hello gay relatives." Frank said walking past them.

"Weed's here."

"Hey you're lucky the guys who robbed us only wanted cash." Ian said putting the bag on the counter.

"Hey can you, nobody's gonna wanna hire us if they know we got robbed." Mickey said to Ian.

"You guys got robbed?"

"Yeah, words out we're hauling large amounts of cash." Mickey said as they unpacked.

"Its gonna be okay baby. Nobody is gonna hurt us." I whispered to Morgan as I bounced her.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Beer's on me." Kev said pouring beer.

"What are you two doing here?" Mickey asked looking at me and Morgan, I just looked down. "The fuck happened?"

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