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"Do you think Mickey killed Paula? Cause she died last night, pushed out a window." Ian asked as we walked around town.

"Couldn't have. We were hanging at the Milkovich house, the Milkoviches were taking drugs except a few including Mick."

"Still could've done it."

"Weren't you plotting her death before Mickey came home anyways? How do we know it wasn't you?"

"You're siding with him now?" Iam groaned stopping me from walking.

"I'm not taking sides I'm just saying you've hated her before Mickey even met her."

We walked and talked for a bit before we both had to split.

Time skip

"He fucking asks me to marry him then when we're at the marriage legalizing shit he doesn't fucking sign. Can you believe that shit? I feel like he doesn't love me, like what the fuck man." Mickey said storming into my apartment.

"Ian asked you to marry him?"


"He's probably just scared, it's a big thing." I said pouring some coffee for him.

"I pushed him down stairs and now he's on crutches."


"I got upset and instead of crying I pushed him down the stairs."

"Jesus Milkovich." I sighed taking a seat at my table.

"Can I crash here? Don't wanna go back home and I'm not going to see fucking Ian."

"Yeah whatever just don't drag me into this shit."

"You're already in this shit." Mickey said flicking my head. "Yo imma get tinder, find a twink to fuck."

"You two are still dating, not a good idea."

"Too fucking bad, what are you? My mom? I mean I can call you mommy but."

"Oh fuck off." I scoffed walking away to my office.

Time skip

Mickey found a gay ginger guy and decided he's gonna start dating him on the side. I told Mick that if he was gonna be petty he's not living with me so I kicked him out.

Ian got fucking grinder to get back at Mickey. He went on a date with some guy he met because Mickey was with the guy he met.

Now they're engaged and I'm sleeping over on the couch since we partied last night a bit.

"Mickey! Mickey! I know you're in there you fucking homo! Hey, Mick, you ***ity ******! You're never gonna marry that Gallagher queer, you hear me! Mickey!"

"Shut him up!" I groaned rubbing my eyes.

"Your dad is here." Ian said to Mickey who was now walking down the stairs.

"Hey you want a pride parade? How about I slice off your pansy dicks and stick em on a fucking float!" Terry yelled from outside.

"Yeah, I know." Mickey said before walking out.

"Hey I got a little conversation therapy for you. You suck a dick, you die."

"Will you shut the fuck up? You're annoying everybody."

"Well isn't it the shirt lifter. I just want you to know if you marry a man I'll put a fucking bullet in your head simple as that."

"Why wait bitch I'm standing right here, Charlottesville." Mickey argued getting closer to him. Terry pulled his gun out so Mickey did too. "Oh would you look at that, we must shop at the same gun show."

"The fuck happened to you?"

"You know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"It does if it lands on a dick."

"Oh, stop I get it. You're proud of me." Mickey said sarcastically smirking at Terry.

"You must really love cock."

"I definitely love one." Mickey answered taking the safety off.

"Well I'm gonna get changed, tell me what happens next." I said walking away from the window. I quickly went upstairs and grabbed some of Fiona's old clothes she left for me and Debs.

"Don't try and get me to move to Milwaukee, I'm fucking murder ya." Mickey said eating some cereal.

"If Ian tried dragging to to Milwaukee I'll drag both of your dumbasses to my apartments. You two are moving in once you want to."

"Fi's old clothes?"

"Yep!" I smiled walking to the cabinet.

After I ate I went back to my apartment and did work. After that I drove back so I could help with wedding shit.

Mickey told me to try on a specific dress style, a balck mid thigh length dress. And I had to make sure with him that it was good enough for the wedding or else he'd flip and just buy it himself.

"This dress looks wonderful on you." The dress lady said looking at me.


"What's the occasion?"

"Both my bestfriends are getting married." I smiled smoothing out the dress.

"Who's the lucky man and woman?"

"Uh, one is a real hard ass the other is sweet." I said, I don't know if she's homophobic so I have to hide it. I quickly took a picture and sent it to Mickey. This was the sixth dress maybe?

:image of dress:
how's this look?

buy it, don't mess it up, oh and get some nice heels

"I got the thumbs up on this dress." I smiled walking back into the changing room. I got back in my clothes and carried the dress out.

"Okay, one hundred sixty-eight."

I quickly paid and left. I went home and went to bed and shit.


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