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I quickly got up, ate, took my meds, took a shower, did my makeup then put on the dress for the wedding along with the shoes. I put my hair up in a ponytail with wisps out.

I quickly drove over to the house but there was a giant cloud of smoke in the sky. I quickly walked in, nobody was in the house so I went to the back with them holding Mickey down.

"The fuck happened?" I shouted walking towards them. I had sneakers on right now or my feet would kill.

"Terry set it on fire."

"Oh." I said blankly before walking in the house, to my car pulling out my gun. "Terry Milkovich! You motherfucker!" I shouted walking down the sidewalk. Within seconds Carl was down the street with Debbie holding my hands behind my back. "Let me go!"

"No!" They both said putting hand cuffs on me.

"Fuckers!" I yelled as I was pushed down the sidewalk

Next thing I knew me and Mickey were hand cuffed to the kitchen table. They made me change out of the dress for now since the wedding was postponed.

"Jesus there's homophobic then there's Vladimir pudin homophobic."

"That's Terry for ya." I laughed before getting elbowed by Mickey.

"We'll just call everybody, tell them the wedding is postponed." Sandy said crossing her arms.

"What? No! We can figure something out."

"We should just elope, done it in the courthouse. That's what we should've done in the first place."

"Hell no! We can't let hate win."

"Wake up little miss sunshine. Hate always wins."

"Jesus, Gaundi, Martin Luther King." Debbie listed off, I looked at Ian after she said Jesus and he flipped me off.

"Pretty sure one was crucified and the other two were shot."

"One also went to prison for blowing up a van." I joked making Ian throw a pen at me. "It was a joke!"

"Yeah, Hitler, Freddie Kruger, Darth Vader."

"We still got the Dj, the booze and all that other shit, right?"

"Yeah but we got no place to hold the wedding."

"What about here?"

"In the house?" Me and Ian asked at the same time.

"Fuck that, how many people we got coming?"

"A hundred and twenty, not including the local lowlives who will show up uninvited to get hammered." Sandy said popping open a beer.

"The alibi?"

"No place is a shithole. I don't wanna get married where my shoes stick to the floor."


"No, this is just getting sadder and sadder. Why don't we just do it in the parking lot across from the poultry processing plant?"

"What about the park?"

"Its fourty degrees and supported to snow." I interjected.

"Jesus do you guys wanna help?"

"Yes I wanna help. I wanna help by shoving the shotgun down my dad's throat and watch the spinal cord bust on the walls."

"Or my brother's AK." I added making Mickey nod.

Debbie gave us a speech and then they all started searching for places. They let us move places, Mickey sat on the dryer and I layed on the floor next to the stairs.

When Lip came home he gave the idea to have it at the polish place. So him and Debbie left to go talk with them. When they came back they said it worked but Debbie may have to marry Mickey so now everyone is getting dressed for the wedding and setting up.

When we all got there Debbie started distracting the lady by crying in the kitchen. I got front row seats since I would be one of the best men.

At last by Etta James started playing and Ian stood up with Lip. Franny started throwing petals and walking up the isle, Liam grabbed Franny and pulled her to a spot once it was time. Sandy and Mickey hooked hands and started walking him up.

They stood beside each other and turned to the marriage officiator at the front.

"Dearly beloved. We have gathered here today to witness and bless, the joining together of these two men in holy matrimony. Ian will you take this man to be your husband? Will you love him," she kept saying all the wedding shit. Eventually it was time for vows.

"I, Mikhailo, take you, Ian, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish you, till death do us part."

"I, Ian, take you, Mickey, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish you, till death do us part."

I was teary the whole wedding shit but now I'm fucking actually crying. Gonna mess up my makeup. I grabbed a tissue and wiped my eyes quickly.

"Now that Mikhailo and Ian have given themselves to each other, with these vows, and the giving and receiving of rings, I now pronounce you, husband and husband."

"Now?" Ian asked.

"Yes, now." She responded. Ian and Mickey then kissed. We all stood up and cheered.

I'm so fucking happy for them.

They walked down the isle together. Eventually everyone started dancing and stuff. I ended up sitting down for a good bit just drinking.

"Listen up everybody! I'm the closest we've got to a bride so I'll be throwing the bouquet! Line up single bitches!" Debbie yelled on the stage.

"You going up?" Liam asked coming up to me.

"No. I think I'm gonna be single forever, men suck." I laughed taking another sip of beer.

"Go up!" Liam said pulling me towards the front.

"Fine." I laughed. Debbie threw it and it fell into some lady's arms. "Told you." I said to Liam.

"Worth a try."

After the wedding we all threw confetti as the grooms got in the car and drove off.

After the wedding we all celebrated at the Gallagher house, minus the grooms. Lip had to go and get to a meeting because he relapsed.

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