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It's been a few months since we got arrested. They dropped the charges, we continued on with our normal lives. It's summertime now I've been through another depressive episode, it wasn't as long this time but it was harder than before the meds.

"Y/n get up!" I shot up and looked around my room. It's normal, and fine.

They're coming after you. You're gonna get caught for having drugs,  and they're gonna find out you knew about the stolen car. The cops are outside. Run. You're not safe.

I quickly looked outside and didn't see anything but I know they are there. I grabbed the bat from my closet and slowly exited checking all the rooms. I didn't see anything in any of them so I slowly walked downstairs.

"Y/n why do you have a bat?"

I quickly ran to the window and looked outside, I didn't see anything. "They're gonna come for me help. Please." I cried running to the back door to look out.

"Shit, she's having physcosis."

"Y/n there's nobody out there look." Deven said walking over and opening the back door fully. I looked out and saw nothing, he then grabbed my arm and walked me to the front gently and showed me there was nobody there ethier.

"I'm sorry, I thought someone-"

"Its okay, I think we need to get you checked for Bipolar though." David said hugging me. I nodded and went upstairs to change.

I quickly changed into some clothes, comfortable ones to be specific. I brushed my teeth and hair then walked downstairs.

"Okay we're gonna take you to a psychiatrist at the psych ward. Make sure to call in sick to work today."

"Okay one sec." I went to the bathroom and Dialed Linda's number.

"Y/n why are you calling, please don't say you can't come in today?"

"So about that, a family issue just popped up, I can probably go after the appointment thing but I'm not sure how long it'll take to get in and I'm also probably gonna be tired after it."

"Whatever, just come in after because Kash is being completely out of doing his work and leaving the pregnant lady to do it all." She shouted into the phone before hanging up.

Me, my dad and mom got in the car, we drove to the hospital and got in with the lady right away. "Okay so what kind of things has been happening?"

"Y/n has been extra happy and wired, when she gets depressed she hardly moves. I believe she has bipolar like her father and needs lithium and anti-psychotics along with her antidepressant."

"Is this true Y/n?"


"She thought people were after her this morning and was running around with a bat." My mother pointed out.

"What kinds of things have been happening specifically?"

"I will have a depressive episode for weeks or months then I'll be totally fine and on top of the world. I knew something was up I just didn't want to believe it yet. I'll have my head spinning while I'm on the high, my family can hardly keep up, I can't ethier. I'll then have a depressive episode so bad I can hardly get out of bed."

"Okay, it sounds like Bipolar type one with psychotic features." The doctor said writing more down.

"That's what I was thinking I just wanted to be sure." Mother said agreeing with her.

"I'll give you a week's worth of medications, come back in a week for a check up."

"Thank you so much." Dad said shaking the doctor's hand.

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