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"Y/n door!"

I skipped down the stairs and opened the door. "Oh my gosh hi Mickey! It's great to see you, I missed you!" I smiled pulling him into hug. "So what's up? Do you want a donut? I picked them up earlier."

"Yeah um sure." He closed the door behind him and walked in. "I was wondering if you wanted to be my best woman, like best man but instead a women."

"I'd love to!"

"So how have you been since the night?"

"Oh I've been amazing! I feel so amazing, there's so many good things and I have so many ideas and stuff." I smiled passing him a cup of coffee he didn't ask for.

"You seem perky for being on your meds."

"Yeah about those, I just feel so much better not on them y'know? I just feel so alive, my brain felt like oatmeal on it." I smiled before covering my mouth. "Oh shoot, I wasn't ment to tell anyone."

"Didn't you promise a bunch of people you'd stay on your meds?"

"Promises get broken all the time! I'll remember another time to take them, for now let me be happy. Okay?"

"Yeah whatever. Mandy is taking you dress shopping tomorrow." Mickey said before leaving.

"Look at this dress! All the maids of honor are wearing a bright pink short dress but you should definitely wear this black short dress. We'll match, plus you're the best woman and not maid of honor so I'll be fine." Mandy said waving around a dress.

"I love it!" I smiled putting it to my body.

"How does my dress look?" Svetlana asked stepping out of the dressing room.

"It looks so amazing! You're so beautiful. If I didn't know better I'd say you two were very lucky." I smiled. In my mind it wasn't malicious but it could be seen that way. Svetlana understood why a bit but Mandy didn't.

"Get that black dress, it'll look good on you. Maybe me and Mandy can teach you oral manipulate of penis later."

"What?" I laughed loudly getting a few stares. We bought the dresses and went home.

The wedding is in two weeks so I was really excited. One part of me feels bad for Ian, really bad but at the same time marriages are just so happy!

"Wedding is tomorrow so I'm going over to help set up!" I yelled putting on my shoes.

"Y/n have you been sleeping lately? Your eyes have eyebags underneath."

"Yeah I'm alright!" I smiled before walking to the venue.

I helped set up everything with Mandy and Ian. It took a long time and something seemed weird about Ian. It might be everything going in but it feels like more than that?

After setting up me and Mandy went back to the Gallagher house. Ian just took off somewhere.

"Y/n how are you feeling?" Fiona asked walking over to me.

"I'm great!"

"You're taking your meds again right?" I nodded and went upstairs. Me and Mandy talked about random shit, I went to bed at like three am.

"Y/n wedding is in five hours."

Once we got to the wedding Ian went to talk to Mickey and I just hung out with Mandy in the room. I probably drank a good bit because I felt a bit tipsy once Mandy ran back to get Mickey.

I stood up by the front beside Mickey. I'm so excited, weddings are just so happy and are so amazing. They have such a good vibe and everyone looks amazing and is so happy.

A lady pressed the button and music started playing as Svetlana started walking down the isle. I looked towards the bar and Ian looked like he was about to cry. I felt really sorry for him and wanted to run to him and hug him. I'm sure I could cheer him up, I always know how to.

After the wedding vows and all that shit I went to the bar and started chugging drinks. I like the burn of the drink. "Ian you alright?"


"Hey Lip is here!" I smiled slurring his name. Lip started yelling at Mandy before me and Ian walked over.

"They got married Lip. He got married to a woman."

"I told you not to come here." Lip warned Ian.

"Try sitting on your ass while the person you love." Ian whispered before starting yell. "No I'm sorry, the person you've been fucking gets married to some commie skank! Fucking commies!" He yelled throwing his cup and leaving. Lip dragged both of us out since we were both wasted.

Me and Ian fell asleep on the ground and Lip had to drag us in. I woke up on the couch with a hangover.

"What time is it?" I groaned.

"Time for you to sober up so we can get you on your meds. I talked with your brothers and they both think you've been off them since you took cocaine a few weeks ago."

"No, I'm okay. I'm better now."

"Bullshit. You're staying here until tomorrow and tomorrow you're getting back on your meds."

And just that happened. They kept booze and stuff away from me and made me lay in bed. Me and Ian got in a fight about me being a bad friend and I fell into another depressive episode. Good thing I had to take my meds the next day. I feel bad that they have to deal with me like this.

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