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Trigger Warnings for this chapter:

Two weeks later

"Y/n Olberman my good ol child who's not by blood, I need a giant teddy bear."

"Frank you didn't even knock, get out."

"Listen I really need this! It's very important, if you do it I'll buy you something really cool." Frank tried convincing me while walking around the room.

"Frank just use that money to get a giant one, what the hell do you need one for anyways?"

"Listen I need it in thirty minutes!"

"Fucking fine Frank but I swear if this is some prank I'll knock the teeth right out of ya!" I yelled stomping upstairs and grabbing a giant teddy I got gifted from Monica a few years ago. I carried it downstairs and handed it to Frank. "Here I don't really like to touch it much since it's from Monica."

"That's perfect! Okay now do you have like a wagon? I need that and a hundred bucks."

"What the hell did you do Frank?" I yelled walking outside and grabbing an old wagon from when I was younger, I put the bear in it and followed Frank.

Frank led me to some Grocery store called Leamington. He started hiding behind some grocery carts and pulled me down. "She's not here yet."

"Who's not here yet?"

"Oh my gosh wait I think I see her!" Frank said standing up.

I slowly got up and grabbed the wagon's handle. "Holy shit."


"Frank what the-" Frank put his hand over my mouth as Monica hopped out of the giant transport truck.

We watched as they went inside the store. Frank pulled me towards the windows to watch Monica, some lady and the store manager argue before he started pulling me away.

"Cmon let's go she'll see us!" He started running pulling me towards Kev's truck. Frank called Kev to come pick us up incase something happens. Monica started yelling at Frank to come back. I threw the bear and wagon in the truck's back before hopping in.

She started chasing us but Kev did some 360 type shit and got us away. Frank yelled at Kev to drop us off at Sheila's, once we got there I took the bear and ran inside, Frank and Kev following a bit behind.

Sheila screamed and spilled batter all over the kitchen. Me, Kev and Frank hid on the floor.

"Did you even have a plan back there?" Kev asked locking the door.

"I was gonna give her a teddy, a hundred and charm her into signing, I didn't know she would show up with ghetto godzilla!"

"I am so close to punching your dick, and sending your brothers to come pick you up!"

"Shush shell hear us!" I whisper yelled to him.

They started arguing and running to the kitchen, I just stayed where I was with the money and the bear. Debbie walked over and looked out the window.

"Its mom."

"I'm so sorry debs, I didn't know he was giving it to Monica." I pulled her down and hugged her.

"I'm gonna go out."

"Wait no debs!" I tried saying, she already opened the door though so I followed her out for moral support.

"Oh Debbie, and Y/n!" Monica said before walking to the gate. "My sweet pea!" She said holding her arms out.

Debbie pushed Monica away running back to the Gallaghers.

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