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Ian comes home today. I cleared off all appointments today besides the morning one.

After the morning one I quickly drove to the Gallaghers. All of the Mexicans were making tamales and shit. I asked one if they've seen a red head in Spanish and they said upstairs so I ran up and saw Ian sitting in the Hallway. I kinda just stood staring at him until he noticed me.

"Holy shit, hey!" Ian said turning to me.


"How's being a middle class citizen now?" He asked picking me up and hugging me.

"I'm not exactly one." I laughed. "I can't believe you're back. I missed you so fucking much."

"Yeah, Mickey told me about your depressive episode after I left."

"Loud mouth Milkovich." I said sarcastically while shaking my head.

"At least you're on your meds again now." He said pulling me to sit next to him on the bench.

"Yep. Oh my gosh I have to show you the apartment!"

"Show me later? I gotta meet with my parole officer."

"Get a job before they assign you one, trust me some of them are fucking shits and try and keep you for longer. Get a job before they give you one."

"How am I gonna get a job in two hours?" Ian asked following me to his room.

"No clue but put on some fancy clothes for meeting her. I'll drive you there later if you want."

Time skip

I drove Ian and he called me after work to pick him up.

"They're doing insurance fraud and if I want to get out of the job she'll just make it so she has me for longer." Ian ranted on the way to the house.

"Well maybe it's a good thing. Learn more about people and who to trust, that way you can sniff out who not to trust better."

"You and Mickey are too alike."

"Except I have bipolar, don't have a dick and have a different personality plus none of my parents are homophobic and a lot more differences."

"Yeah, it's just that,"

"You miss him. I know. I do too." I smiled tapping his hand.

Once we got in they yelled suprise at Kev and V thinking it was Ian but we came in the back door. We all partied and celebrated Ian coming home that night. It was really fun. Eventually we all went to bed and Ian insisted I stayed over.

"It's weird having you back." I said wearing one of Ian's shirts and some shorts I borrowed from Debbie.

"It's weird being back." He laughed.

"You sure I should stay the night? There's a ton of Mexicans downstairs plus all the Gallaghers minus Fi of course."

"Stay in my bed like old times." He said pulling me over to him.

"Fine." I said caving in.

Time skip

It's been maybe a week since Ian got home. I told him my address incase he wants to stop by but hasn't yet, too much stuff at home.

I started playing some music, dancing and cleaning the apartment. It's like five right now and I've got food in the oven for me. I started singing to the song and dancing as freely as I possibly could, I mean nobody is watching me.

"Woah, who knew you had moves like that." A familiar voice said behind me making me stop. I turned around and saw fucking Mickey Milkovich and Ian Gallagher.

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