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It's been a lot of months, it's like the end of May now. A few months ago Frank went missing, Debbie has been counting. I went on more dates with Ed, he occasionally tries something but I excuse myself each time but each time I can't help but feel bad.

"I'm going over to Edward's house, I'll be home later!" I shouted to my brothers who were upstairs before leaving. I think I'm finally gonna let him, I owe him, I mean who wants to be with a girl who won't do anything sexual especially in this area?

I made my way to his house, he answered right away. We talked for a bit and watched a movie but during it he started doing it again.

Slowly his hand grazed up my thigh. I turned to him and kissed him. He pushed his tongue for entrance which I allowed. The next things that happened were... interesting to say the least.

We moved up to his room, he gave me oral before we fucked. It felt great and all but something happened.

"Fuck Sofia I'm gonna come!" He groaned thrusting into me.

"Who the fuck is Sofia?" I yelled pushing him off of me.


"You what? Spit it out?"

"The hell was I supposed to do? You wouldn't have sex with me and we've been dating for almost a year! You expect me to just wait around? The only reason I started talking to you was because I wanted to take your virginity, and now I have, I also have been cheating on you the whole time so I guess it's a win win for me." He shouted throwing me my clothes.

"You're fucking crazy."

"I'm crazy? For not wanting to wait around? You're the one who's fuckin, fucked in the head you Bipolar freak!"

"How do you know I'm bipolar? Who the fuck told you?"

"I went through your shit. Found your meds. You're pathetic, I'm glad we're over, I'm the best thing you'll ever get." I punched him before running out. He shouted at me to come back but I felt my tears coming down and I was fucking pissed.

I slammed the front door and grabbed my bag and threw it. "Fuck you!" I screamed before falling down and crying.

"Shit, what the fuck happened?"

"He fuckin cheated on me and went through my shit and knows I'm Bipolar. He said another girls name and said that its my fault because I wouldn't have sex with him. It's all my fault. I should've just let him touch me all those months ago!" I cried out, my brother's were now on both my sides trying to calm me down.

"Has he been touching you without consent?"

"I mean yeah but it's my fault."

"Fuck fault. Kaden we're going down to the Milkoviches and getting the boys. Y/n go down to the Gallaghers or something." Deven said pulling me up and calling someone to pick me up.

"I haven't beat anyone's ass in a while. Nobody cheats on my sister and gets away with it. And nobody calls her fuckin crazy because it's not her fault." Kaden smiled, his face red from anger, he made a punching motion. They grabbed bats before leaving, a few minutes later Ian came in the house.

"What the hell happened?"

"He fuckin cheated on me, called me crazy and just wanted me for sex but since I've been rejecting him the last few months he's been cheating on me." I cried grabbing a pillow and hugging it. "My brother's are getting the Milkoviches and going to his house to fuck him up for cheating on me and touching me without consent."

"Shit, I'm sorry. How'd you find out he cheated?"

"Said another girls name, I finally let him do me and he fuckin says another girl's name in bed."

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