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A month or two later

"Alright I got Linda to order me a few boxes of Halloween Candy. We'll distribute it, each bar is a different cost, they act as the chips. Winner gets all of the Candy." I smiled putting the boxes on the table in the basement. Deven, Me and the Milkovich brothers were sat around a table.

"Got any good booze back there?"

"Uh let me check." I got up and walked to the bar and pulled out some whiskey and shot glasses. "We got whiskey."

"Good enough."

I gave everyone a glass and poured the whiskey. We made our price chart and distributed the Candy equally.

"I'll be dealer!"

We were playing Poker. We knew at the end we'd share the bars but it's still fun.

"I'll throw in some of this to the winner!" Iggy smiled putting a small bag of coke in the center.

"What the fuck!" I whisper shouted

"Leave it, if you win you don't have to keep it." Deven said patting me on the back.

"Fuck that, I'll be dealer so that you dumbasses don't cheat, I don't really want all the Candy anyways." I said standing up and moving to the dealer chair. "I don't agree with the coke but I did bring down a bunch of pre rolled joints."

"Sweet, hit me up." Mickey yelled. I passed each of them one and lit them.

I only smoked weed with them, if I had whiskey it could mess with the meds and make my blood toxic.

"And Joey is the winner!"

"Hey let's go! Do I get anything else for winning?" Joey asked suggestfully, I just laughed and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"There, happy now?"

"It'll do for now."

"Alright now what the fuck do we do?" Mickey asked taking a bar from the center.

"We could watch a movie? Like a horror movie, we have a ton over there."

"Pick one out then princess."

I rolled my eyes and walked to the cabinet. I picked out the exorcist and put it in the DVD player and sat on the couch. Mickey and Deven were on etheir sides of me, Joey was beside Mickey, Iggy and Colin sat on the arm chairs.

I laughed at the parts where some of them were cowering in fear during. I personally find horror movies funny because of how unrealistic and weird they are.

"You're fuckin crazy y'know that?"

"Its not even scary you guys are just babies."

"You're the baby, you're the youngest here, and the most like a virgin."

"Shut it. I'm going to bed so do whatever boys do at sleepovers or whatever, I don't care just be quiet." I yawned walking back to my room.

I changed into a big t-shirt and short shorts then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth but someone was already in it.

"Yo hurry up I need to brush my teeth!"

"Hold on Princess." Mickey said back. The toilet flushed and he came out. "You're wearing shorts right?"

"Yeah, now move I need to brush my teeth please. What are you doing up here anyways?"

"We're all sleeping in Deven's room and watching porn."

"Fun." I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked to Devens door and just said "Goodnight boys, don't stay up too late or Terry might come looking." through the door before going to bed.

"Y/n wake up, breakfast is downstairs, come get some before the Milkoviches eat all of it." Kaden said before closing my door again. I groaned and then got dressed.

"Leave some food for me!" I said running to the kitchen to grab a plate.


"Thanks." I kissed Deven on the forehead before walking to the table with my plate of food and meds.

"You should've hung out with us last night."

"You mean watch porn with you guys? No thanks." I laughed. "Oh I'm gonna go help Ian with ROTC training later so I'm not gonna be home."

"What kind of training?"

"He needs to dodge bullets. I need a gun also with blanks if that's okay."

"I'll come." Mickey said putting his plate away.

Me and Mickey met Ian at the area he said to meet at. We had to shoot blanks at him while he dodged.

"Hey y'know the guy you beat the shit out of at that club? He wants me to rob his house."

"Really? Hilarious."

"Can't do it himself, he got divorced. Said I can take whatever I want, you in?" Mickey started shooting way to close to I hit him on the head. "Jesus you're gonna hit me."

"Can I bring my cousins?"

"Yeah sure."

"I don't see what you see in him."

"He buys me stuff, orders room surface, isn't afraid to kiss me." Ian stood up looking at Mickey.

"Oooh burn." I laughed.

"Shut it or I'll shoot at you too princess."

We went back to Ian's house he had to grab some stuff then he left with Mickey to rob the house. I helped out Carl with the kids but soon a bloody Mickey, Ian and Mickey's cousins came running in, Jimmy's dad soon after.

"Holy shit!" I yelled moving some stuff off the counter to make a space for them to get the bullet out of Mickey's ass.

"Get a wet towel or something and some alcohol." Ned said so I ran upstairs to grab it. When I came back down some lady with glasses was there just as they took the bullet out. A minute later Fiona came running in.

The lady was from DCFS someone called about them. The kids are getting taken away tomorrow. I quickly helped them patch up Mickey before we had to start helping the kids pack. We had a pizza for dinner together since they won't be home for a while.

"They'll be back soon, it'll be okay Fi." I hugged her watching the car drive away.

"Come to DCFS with me later?"

"Of course." I smiled.

When Fi got home from work we went to DCFS and found out where they are sort of. We found out who was put with who. When we got home I helped deep clean the house. I took Carl's weapons to my house for now until we got them back home since DCFS would not like them having weapons. I had to go home but I made sure Fi was okay before I left.

"Hey how's your ass?" I yelled walking past the Milkovich house, Mickey was out front with Mandy.

"Fuckin hurts!"

"Come over Y/n!" Mandy yelled motioning me to her.

"What's up?"

"Lip flipped on me yesterday and he won't answer any of my texts."

"DCFS took the kids this morning. He's just been stressed lately, everyone at that house has."

"Well do you know when they are allowed out?" Mandy asked taking a blow of her cigarette.

"They're allowed out in an hour, work and community hours. Ian will be at Kash and Grab, Lip will be somewhere in the city cleaning Graffiti."

"Okay, thanks."

I walked back home since I had nothing to do today.

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