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"I'm running away to Mexico with Mickey." Ian said over the phone.

"What? Ian if you two get caught not only Mickey will go to prison but you will too."

"I know but nobody makes me feel this way besides Mickey."


"Here's Mickey." Ian said passing the phone to him.


"Mickey you will get caught, this is not a good idea!"

"I have a plan, we'll be fine." Mickey said softly.

"Fine. Be safe though, please."

"Yeah. I wanted Ian to bring you too but he said you'd say no."

"Damn right, that's a dumb idea, no offense." I laughed and got a snort from Ian in the background.

"Whatever. See you when I see you again. We'll miss you."

"Ill miss you both too, good luck. I love both of you."

"Hey Ian Y/n says she loves us and will miss us back."

"I love you too!" Ian yelled.

"Yeah what he said. Anyway gotta split. Bye." Mickey said before hanging up.

I quietly sat against my door and cried a bit. I'm worried but they'll be alright. They'll come back, Gallaghers always do and knowing Mickey he'll get his dumbass caught.

Time skip

I walked into the Gallagher house. Music was blasting and Monica was in a wedding dress, Frank in a suit.

"Having a party without me?"

"Hey, you came!" Monica smiled running to me and grabbing my hands to dance.

"Alright who's doing the first toast?" Frank asked handing me a cup of champagne.

"Okay fine I'll do it. What can I say about Frank and Monica that hasn't already been said?" Fiona smiled looking at them. "You deserve each other."

"Aww." Frank said pulling Monica closer.

"Here, here." We all said taking sips of our drinks.

We all danced and stuff. I started rolling a few joints at some point.

"Did you spike our drink!" Fiona yelled walking to Frank and Monica.

"Yeah with Molly! It's a party!"

"That's how you help me stay sober?"

"She was acting in your best interest!" Frank argued back.

I just shushed them all out in my mind and danced. Later that night everyone was dancing together and it was a blast.

The next day we all woke up to Monica on the floor almost dead. Or maybe she was dead? Not sure but we called an ambulance and I drove everyone I could fit in my car to the hospital, Kev and V took theirs and brought the others.

We all stayed and looked at Monica. We got KFC and went home around seven or so.

"I'm taking franny up to bed."

"Yeah sounds good."

"I'm making coffee."

"Uh, thanks Fi." Lip agreed placing a few cups down.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Kev said taking a sip of his drink.

I looked up and saw Ian. I thought he was leaving for Mexico.

Cigarette Daydreams | Shameless x readerWhere stories live. Discover now