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It's been a few days, Ian got out, flushed his meds, got back on. Today is Carl's court hearing so I had to grab my fanciest clothes from my suitcases.

"Why you dressed like your going court?"

"Family friend is getting sentenced. He will probably go to Juvie since his dumbass got caught smugging drugs." I laughed.

"Shit! What kind of drugs he smugging?"

"Like around ten maybe twenty bags of heroin on his nefew."

"How old are they?" Jess laughed.

"Both thirteen, fourteen or so."

"Damn, tell me the verdict. I gotta get in with whatever shit goes on on your life sounds fun."

"Its exhausting but you'll meet them at some point." I laughed putting a bit of mascara on. "Well gotta go, see you later, don't throw a party or anything in here."

I got to the court room and sat with the Gallaghers and V.

"All rise. The court of cook county is now in session. Your honorable judge Rita is now preciding." A man said while the Judge came up and sat on her stand.

"Please sit." She said the case number and talked about chucky first. He got like sixty days in juvie for good behavior or something like that.

They called Carl up and he was dressed up with glasses and a suit like outfit.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Sammi said standing up.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say he's an upstanding citizen." Lip said quietly.

"Like Ted Bundy." Veronica added.

The Judge said the court number and asked the Lawyer said how Carl is sorry or something and he regrets it.

"Do you regret what you've done Carl?" The Judge asked.

"I did something really dumb that I shouldn't have. I trusted a fucking r****d with a man's job. Next time I move a bunch of drugs, I'll be smarter." Carl said smirking making me smack my head into my hands.

"If you want to go into my chambers and speak to me off the record now is the time." The Judge said sternly. "Otherwise you will end up in Juvinile prison. Do you want that?"

"Yes, please."

"That's not what I was hoping to hear."

"I know what you were hoping to hear. If your honor would lose twenty pounds I'd considered tapping that." Carl said before looking back at us.

"I think I've heard enough!" She raised her voice. "I sentence you to the Maximum of one year in Juvinile Justice Division. You're remanded to the custody of the sherif. This court is on recess." She banged her gavel and got up. Carl got hand cuffed right away.

"Why the fuck did you do that Carl?" Fiona whisper yelled.

"When Paul Sudgen got out of Juvie he knew how to do IED's and where to launder money. You can't buy that kind of education, plus my street cred will be off the chain. Don't worry I'll be fine, I'm gonna make Juvie my bitch." Carl was then escorted out. We all agreed Carl will be running the joint by time he's out.

Time skip to a week later

"Alright listen, one or two nights a week of live music, people will wanna come and listen. Jessica is amazing at guitar and singing, she's got Electric, Acoustic and has all the stuff to preform already. Let her play at least one night this week and I promise the Alibi will be packed." I offered leaning over the counter with Jess beside me.

"What about fees and stuff? We don't have enough to pay you for preforming." V said pouring Kermit a glass.

"I'll do the first night free."

"We thought we could get more money by doing request a song, so we'll have a page of songs she knows and you pay to request a specific song. Lots more drinkers, song requests, first night will be like a trial run."

"Who will do the bar? I gotta watch Amy and Jemma." She asked standing in front of us.

"I could, or we can get one of the Gallaghers to do the bar minus Frank."

"Hey! I'd be an amazing bar keep."

"Like hell you would." I spat turning back to V. "I could ask Mickey to do the bar. I'll keep an eye to make sure he doesn't steal anything."

"Alright, Tommorrow Night. Start spreading the news."

"Thanks V!" I smiled grabbing Jess. "See you tomorrow, call me if anything changes!"

"How many people do I have to meet?" Jess asked as we exited the bar.

"Well there's the Milkoviches which is four or so people. Then there's the Gallaghers so that's like Seven maybe Eight if you're lucky. Then there's Kev and V, you just met V and finally my family has four for you to meet." I smiled looking at her shocked expression. "Sadly I don't know any hot lesbians."

"God I hate the word hot to describe someone." She laughed.

I quickly texted Mickey asking if he'll work the bar tomorrow, he said him and Ian will and that they're going out right now so they aren't home.

"Alright this is my home!" I smiled walking up.

"Jesus south side really is a shit show."

"Hey my house is one of the nicer ones, I'll show you the Milkovich one some time." I laughed pulling her inside. "Guess who's home!"

"Y/n!" Deven yelled walking over. "What's up lil sis? Who's the hottie?"

"The hottie is lesbian." I said patting his cheek.

"Shit sorry."

"Its alright." Jess laughed taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"That's Deven, the middle child. My older brother is upstairs I think. Mom is coming home from work now and Dad is on the way back aswell."

"Damn big family, huh? I'm the only child but the biggest disappointment of my north side american dream family."

"South side family is mentally ill, alcoholics, druggies and the ones who actually fight it but are stuck in this dump."

After an hour or two of talking and having dinner and shit we decided to walk to the Gallaghers.

"What's going on over there?" Jess asked pointing ahead, I looked up and saw Ian getting pushed by army men.

"Fuck!" I yelled before running. "What the hell is going on? Let him go!"

"Hey what the fuck is going on?" Fiona asked running over from the other direction.

"Let me go!"

"Get the fuck off him!"

"Ian it's gonna be alright, okay?" I said putting my hand on the glass before they drove away.

"That was Ian? The fuck he do?"

"Jess, I think you need to go home, I'm sorry, go to my house for now."

"Isn't it a shame when someone you love gets taken away?" Sammi asked staring at us.

"You bitch! Get the fuck over here and fight me you fucking bitch!" I screamed going to run at her before Mickey, Fiona and Jess held me back. "Let me go! I'll fucking kill her!"

"It'll be easier to get back at her with a plan, okay?" Mickey whisper shouted into my ear.

"Jess I'm so sorry, can we move the proformance date I just now have to deal with this and,"

"No problem. I'll call my mom to pick me up, I'll go to the alibi, get wasted and use that as my excuse." She smiled before running off.

I slept in Carl's bed that night, we decided that we'd visit Ian tomorrow and think of a plan to get rid of Sammi.

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